@Buffalo Sabres

Hitting with a CORKED BAT | Wood Baseball Bat Reviews

In a stellar display of amateur carpentry, Bat Bro Will somehow manages to cork a wood bat – and the Bat Bros try to hit some dingers with it!!
It’s illegal to doctor your wood or metal bat, so if you’re thinking about corking a bat…don’t.

You can find our Top-20 BBCOR rankings (with Bat Bro Scales) over at, and if you want to help support the Bat Bros, you can find our Bat Bros merch by Routine™ at


  1. Hey rookie…. this has already been proven LOL. Why have 2 bats the same but one corked? To see if there is a difference? haha this must be for 10 yr olds. Rook…. A for effort lol.

  2. Ohhhhhh broooo let’s gooo ohhhhh get out ball let’s goooo brooooo ohhhh let’s goooo.

    Ok, if you everyone wants they can watch on mute now

  3. I've only watched a few seconds of you working that drill. I hope you get out of this video with all of your fingers. . . Damn kid, take a safety class. . .

  4. I think you should’ve grounded up the cork. It would pack better and reinforce the inner wall of the bat against impact. A little more weight but barely, and more durable.

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