@Winnipeg Jets

Does loyalty matter in the NHL?

After years of controversial trades from the Vegas Golden Knights, they win the Stanley Cup in their 6th season after beating the Florida Panthers in 5 games. In today’s video we look at the Erik Haula, Nate Schmidt, Marc Andre Fleury, and Max Pacioretty trades and question whether or not it’s better to be loyal.

2023 Stanley Cup Final
2023 NHL Playoffs
Golden Knights Panthers Game 5
Vegas Golden Knights Florida Panthers Game 5
Vegas Golden Knights win stanley cup
Vegas Golden Knights Stanley Cup
Mark Stone
Jonathan Marchessault
Adin Hill
Jack Eichel
Golden Knights highlights
Erik Haula Trade
Nate Schmidt trade
Marc Andre Fleury Trade
Max Pacioretty trade
Nick Suzuki Trade


  1. interesting take! Although, I can't help but feel like a lack of loyalty from a franchise wouldn't do well in the long run. Players getting traded to a team that has a reputation for blind-siding their players might not reach their full potential as they see the team as a temporary pit stop of the sorts, therefore stopping themselves from planting their roots and getting invested into their franchise, before they too find out that they got traded for next to nothing over twitter. Clearly from Vegas getting a cup in their first 6 years, loyalty hasn't proven to be much of an asset worth paying attention to, but I could see it taking a toll on the motivation and drive of the players years down the line if they only focus on numbers and winning instead of building a team with morals in mind.

  2. as bad as it was the reasons for going behind the back of fleury was mainly on the shoulders of his agent

  3. Once free agency was introduced, loyalty quietly removed itself from sports. It's been decades now people, get over it. It's a business, you're not gonna keep an employee who sucks at their job just because of loyalty are you?

  4. Considering how the core 6 misfits are still there and the morale has improved, including the coaching turnover, VGK nailed it.

  5. At the end you said there were a few teams with 1-2 pieces away from a cup I think one of those teams were Dallas they were probably 1 solid top 4 d-man away from at least a cup final

  6. Nate Schmidt was not a cap casualty @ $950K, he was given a $5M raise for being wrongly suspended and trading him to Vancouver helped create enough cap space to acquire Alex Pietrangelo.

  7. A couple notes I'd bring up, Nate Schmidt just had a PED scandal and while they publicly backed him, its pretty clear with his perfomance drop off after that, that PEDs were a big part of his breakout in Vegas.

    Fleury, not just his flubbed behind the goal mistake, that was his SECOND of the playoffs, also flubbing (almost identically) to the Avalanche. He also had the "Walsh sword" tweet and Allan Walsh is pretty notorious. The reason they did not inform Fleury of his trade before it happened was because Walsh had threatened to tell anyone in talks of trade with Vegas that Fleury would retire rather than being traded, effectively eliminating any chance to complete a trade. He even said this days after the trade and played anyway (obviously).

    Leading to Pacorietty trade. He is also a Walsh client. After Fleury its pretty clear that the McGMs and Walsh want nothing to do with each other. That, on top of the injury history, lead them to (in McKrimmon's words) "trade Pacioretty for Reilly Smith". He used the money they got from trading Pacioretty to re-sign Smith.

  8. We didn't need Fleury to win the cup. Hate to say it but he's probably the main reason why we never got back to the finals up until this season.

  9. It's business. Millions of dollars are on the line. If Gretzky can be traded, then so can anyone. Honestly, if this is what is holding Toronto back then they need to sack up and make some moves.

  10. One add I would like to plug (and still am upset over it) is Ryan Reeves. He was our mucker and when he enforces, his presence was felt. I would also probably have thrown in David Perron. So very glad Detroit was the team he went to but imho he was a big loss at the time. Dood is consistent and always dependable with minimal damage or injuries.

  11. The players are just blood bags to me, they have no loyalty or respect for their fans, but I cheer for only 1 team. If the league went back to its roots, where the players had 2 jobs and it wasn't all about money and power, and most would stay with their team for their whole careers, then yes I would like to see that for sure. This is why I would be for territorial drafting rights in the 1st round. Western Canadian teams get territorial rights on the WHL, Toronto and Ottawa get dibs on the OHL, and the Habs get the Q. The American teams get regional players and Europe. With that setup, and getting rid of the draft lottery, guess who would get Bedard this year, Vancouver. Guess who would have got Matthews – yes, Arizona. Guess who would have got McDavid? Toronto. If you go back and re-draft with territorial rights, it's pure marketing genius to bring it back without even having much of an effect on parity.

  12. That's it y'all don't get it since NHL went to Vegas the mob now has ties in it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ of course a they are going to win

  13. Ainā€™t gonna lie , I was gobsmacked when Flower was traded. Thought it was pretty dirty they way it was done. Really not happy that crazy Lehner was in net because heā€™s just horrible and him and that thug Reaves kneeling for our national anthem with that moron Dumba just got under my skin. I obviously know zero about hockey operations and scouting and back office deals, but McCrimmon and McPhee obviously do and thus we are the 2023 Stanley cup champions. This group of guys has made me proud to be a Vegas native and a fan since day 1! They helped heal our city after the 1 October massacre and Iā€™m sure that no other major sports team wouldā€™ve done the same. Iā€™m a hockey fan for life !

  14. This is how all sports should happen, this is how companies get successful, get rid of people that ain't gonna help their future, nothing personal type stuff.

  15. so tired of incorrect thinking of the fluery situation. Fluery and his garbage agent absolutely knew he was about to be traded. he wouldn't make a deal for cap space, his prerogative, so they had to make the trade before he could put Chicago on his no trade list. it wasn't sudden and he didn't find out on twitter, he knew and didn't want to do anything to stop it. as for face of the franchise, he is a charming guy, however, he did not do anything outside of the team mandating something for the town. i was mad at first with the trade, but seeing how he is now and knowing that he told the defense to let things go so his stats could go up and how he chokes and does dumb things like in the game against the Canadians, i am now glad the trade happened.

  16. Here's the thing about the Fluery trade and him being surprised. It's BS.

    First, its been kind of lost to the sands of time but the trade news was actually leaked while they were still finalizing it. Yeah they could have had somebody say "I think this is about to happen" to him but that's a bit different to say he found out on twitter as though it had already been done and sealed when it broke.

    Second, I cannot for the life of me buy that he was surprised. Everyone and their mother knew it was coming for a while before that. It wasn't a shock in any way. The only surprise would be where, not when.

    Yes we were all sad it happened but it wasn't this out of nowhere thing. It was either gonna be him or several keep depth players and something had to give.

  17. Itā€™s too bad that the trades happened as they did, but as people have said below, it wasnā€™t as simple as Vegas purposefully being callous. There were other factors at work.

    Working within the Cap is difficult, and many teams have failed at it. In terms of our local team, the Leafs constantly have to reshuffle the deck in order to keep their so-called Core Four

  18. DC fans in '18: you have to pay your dues Vegas before hoisting

    Vegas: You survived decades of Pittsburgh abuse its ok to talk about it šŸ˜…

  19. I think you are going to see loyalty go away and winning become paramount. I think VGK have gotten it right and perfected the mix… I think other teams will try and do it and screw it all up

  20. Can't take the heat get out of the Kitchen ! Trades are as old as the NHL.! The league is not a school for ballerinas or for wusses !

  21. Vegas was going to win anyway with all the assets they had they could throw away more than they possibly could need in order to afford players while other teams have to deal with a cap and giving away depth players to another expansion team which for some reason Vegas was exempt from despite already being a playoff team because the owners/league are stupid. Seattle is already in the playoffs year 2 for the same reason 30+ players to an expansion team with the lack of protection teams have they can easily get one of the deepest teams in the league.

    People assume since teams are protecting their "top 6"/ "top 4" they will only get depth players, but some teams are deep enough where they can easily get a top 6/top 4 D and they can avoid the bad contracts.

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