@Buffalo Sabres

Playing Pundits: Jeremy Guscott

What do the Pundits know anyway ?! A look at Former English centre Jeremy Guscott in his prime. In this clip he scores two great tries against Scotland and Ireland in 1990. He was a clinical finisher in his playing days and is now a rugby analyst.


  1. For me these were the greatest years of English rugby, before everything went totally corporate and swallowed by the media. And we also had Bill MacClaren behind the mic.  On the field itself, there seemed to be room to play more creatively, almost like an extension of school rugby. I even remember a smiling Carling once saying after an honourable defeat, 'it's only a game'. Ha, ha, you wouldn't hear that now.

  2. Such a shame he was partnered with that boring twat billy Bumface. Would only pass to Jerry if forced to. Otherwise always ran back into the pack. Phillipe Sella best centre of that generation. Hi Scott unfortunately couldn't tackle if his life depended in it

  3. young "Binky" Gussers was a cheeky little scamp and I often had to put him over my knee and spank his bottom !

  4. Thank heavens BBC have removed Guscott. I've become sick of his ABE analysis and his love affair with Ireland. To say nothing of "heads up rugby" which everyone has but England!

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