@Anaheim Ducks

Your weekly /r/anaheimducks roundup for the week of January 16 – January 22

**Monday, January 16 – Sunday, January 22**

###Top videos

| score | comments | title & link |
| 102 | [10 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10i7kjw/zegras_sings_taylor_swift_during_nhl_game/) | [Zegras Sings Taylor Swift during NHL game 😆](|
| 13 | [0 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10hpope/i_share_a_video_about_a_great_anaheim_prospect/) | [I share a video about a great Anaheim prospect](|
| 6 | [0 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10i0r09/recap_ana_buf/) | [Recap: ANA @ BUF](|
| 6 | [0 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10glkqn/recap_ana_cbj/) | [Recap: ANA @ CBJ](|
| 3 | [0 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10e123f/recap_ana_pit/) | [Recap: ANA @ PIT](|
| 1 | [0 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10ew2cv/recap_ana_phi/) | [Recap: ANA @ PHI](|


###Game thread comments

| score | comment |
| 54 | /u/huntsefsky said [Damn Getzlaf must be so proud right now](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10e0g06/post_game_thread_january_16_2023_anaheim_at/j4o8whr/?context=5) |
| 53 | /u/Taurothar said [How fucking dare they?](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10gkz86/post_game_thread_january_19_2023_anaheim_at/j53c3se/?context=5) |
| 45 | /u/PossumJ16 said [Love Zegras but not shooting on a clear breakaway is absolutely inexcusable.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10e0g06/post_game_thread_january_16_2023_anaheim_at/j4o96r3/?context=5) |
| 44 | /u/duckdaddydrew said [starting to think playoffs might be out of the question this year /s](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10evjc3/post_game_thread_january_17_2023_anaheim_at/j4taosu/?context=5) |
| 42 | /u/DBacon1052 said [Damn. Gonna need a Caution Wet Floor sign for this thread. Y’all just got to see one of the best comebacks in years, and all y’all do is cry about winning.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10gkz86/post_game_thread_january_19_2023_anaheim_at/j53d1xp/?context=5) |
| 38 | /u/thehawktopus said [I like to think that on that breakaway Zegras had an angel on one shoulder telling him to shoot it and a devil on the other shoulder holding up a picture of Bedard.](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10e0g06/post_game_thread_january_16_2023_anaheim_at/j4o9zrr/?context=5) |
| 35 | /u/prmark34 said [The blue jackets just wanted it (bedard) more :(](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10gkz86/post_game_thread_january_19_2023_anaheim_at/j53c341/?context=5) |
| 30 | /u/prmark34 said [3 points for zegras, keeping the game close until the 3rd, and ultimately losing? Elite tanking effort, gentlemen](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10i08in/post_game_thread_january_21_2023_anaheim_at/j5bhize/?context=5) |
| 28 | /u/prosaic_paradigm said [We aren’t even good at being bad. good game tho boys](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10gkz86/post_game_thread_january_19_2023_anaheim_at/j53cg05/?context=5) |
| 28 | /u/prmark34 said [Not only do i have to watch this team stink it up, but i also have to watch bally force that GOD AWFUL GLOW PUCK down my throat](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10evjc3/post_game_thread_january_17_2023_anaheim_at/j4taw5d/?context=5) |


###Top Remaining Posts

| score | comments | title & link |
| 90 | [6 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10djeqk/i_made_a_mobile_wallpaper_for_the_ducks_hope_you/) | [I made a mobile wallpaper for the Ducks, hope you guys like it!](|
| 76 | [17 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10ggu7p/section_104_row_h/) | [section 104 row h](|
| 59 | [7 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10hwg9e/checking_in_from_buffalo/) | [Checking in from Buffalo](|
| 58 | [29 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10fq26m/there_are_dozens_of_us/) | [There are dozens of us!](|
| 54 | [2 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10h5f7c/section_111_row_k_last_night/) | [Section 111 Row K last night](|
| 45 | [44 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10f9xy3/the_athletic_listed_top_surprises_for_each_team/) | The Athletic listed top surprises for each team. Saw a couple of familiar names. Thanks GMBM|
| 44 | [9 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10eklet/oc_ducks_henrique_is_their_most_dependable_player/) | [[OC] Ducks’ Henrique is Their Most Dependable Player](|
| 27 | [24 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10dv9d9/isac_lundestroms_future_with_the_anaheim_ducks/) | [Isac Lundestrom’s Future with the Anaheim Ducks](|
| 27 | [14 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10entnq/will_they_be_selling_non_game_used_lunar_new_year/) | [Will they be selling non game used lunar new year jerseys that cost less than rent?](|
| 25 | [38 comments](/r/AnaheimDucks/comments/10e0g06/post_game_thread_january_16_2023_anaheim_at/) | Post Game Thread: January 16, 2023 – Anaheim at Pittsburgh|


by subredditsummarybot

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  1. subredditsummarybot

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    ####Please let me know if you have suggestions to make this roundup better for /r/anaheimducks or if there are other subreddits that you think I should post in. I can search for posts based off keywords in the title, URL and flair. And I can also find the top comments overall or in specific threads.

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