@Edmonton Oilers

Silovs steps up big, while Skinner gets outplayed in Game 3

Arturs Silovs made 42 saves for the Canucks in their win, while Stuart Skinner allowed 4 goals on 15 shots and got pulled after two periods for the Oilers. TSN Oilers reporter Ryan Rishaug and TSN Canucks reporter Farhan Lalji join SC with Jay Onrait to break down both goalies play, how Brock Boeser continues to dominate in the postseason, and how defence cost the Oilers in Game 3.


  1. skinner just isn't a capable goalie, look at his mobility, technical ability (zadarov goal) and athleticism compared to other top goalies and even Silovs himself he just isn't a top goaltender in the NHL. With Pickard too he just doesn't look like a NHL goalie regardless of technical ability. Terrible goaltending has plagued the Oilers for ages now and will be the reason they won't win a cup until they acquire a capable goalie

  2. Geez, maybe the media can finally pull McDavids balls out of their mouths? Because you are all looking foolish now.

  3. Skinner's mustache is to big,he can't see down. That's the price you pay when you try to look like a 70s porn star.😅

  4. so many blaming Skinner. Blame the bad defense, bad backchecking, and management tossing all their cap into a Power Play and no depth.
    The oiler depth wouldn't fill a kiddie pool.

  5. Hey oiler fans especially the ones talking before the game about oilers fans having more knowledge about the game……so tell me, you outshot us 45 to 18 and still lost…. whatcha know bout dat 😉

  6. Skinner is cooked! Not this series, last year against LA.. it was soup that saved us. People have short memories.. he is a good back up but not a starter.period.

  7. More like a tale of two teams.

    One has structured play, depth, commitment to defence, some great individual performances by their leaders.

    The other is a one line team playing their big guns for half the game and hanging on for dear life.

  8. McBeiber didn't want to talk either…. probably too tired from having to play half the game because the coach doesn't trust half the team.

  9. geezus…..I get that Oiler fans are pretty much delusional about their team but when the hell is the eastern media going to wake up and realize they were completely not paying attention to this canucks team. It's absolutely ridiculous.

    The Oilers lack of structure against top teams has been apparent all year starting from when the canucks smoked them. Their defensive break downs ARE the way they play. The Oilers can be "out disciplined" by any team that sticks to their structure.

    Were they even watching this game? The canucks got and maintained a solid two goal lead TWICE. They did play more passively than they should in the 3rd and they need to work on that but it was a 4 – 2 game with a 3rd Oiler goal that was going wide but bounced off a canuck. Bad luck is definitely a huge part of hockey so that's not an excuse, they all count, but it IS a reflection of what it took for the Oilers to score it. Did anyone notice how after that goal the canucks started to clue into the fact they needed to push back a little more? What happened? They made some good clears and the Oilers really never got a decent chance in those final seconds.

    This IS WHAT THE Canucks do! They've been winning games like this ALL year long. In fact, if it wasn't for a brutally passive 3rd period in game 2, they probably would be going for a sweep in game 4.

    Wake up! The canucks are a far far deeper team at every position except "top 2 superstars". And yeah….there is a chance Mcd and dry could win the Oilers this series…they ARE that good, but the canucks goaltending would have to fall apart and even MORE importantly they'd have to abandon their structure. And that simply hasn't happened for any significant length of time this entire season. Even at their worst this year it was 2 bad games and then reset and win. They're playing a lot better than at that time. (but not quite as good as the beginning of the season.)

    I just don't see the canucks losing THAT much focus. In fact, there are signs they're starting to put it back together like they had it in the first half of the season. The canucks having the lead in this series shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. If it is a surprise, then YOU weren't paying attention.

  10. How long are you going to underestimate the Canucks, for God's sake?!? The score against the Oilers is 6 0 1 so far! Are you really that bad that arrogant Edmonton will be eliminated?!?

  11. Oilers were outplayed by a better team….stop blaming the goalie ! They are a 1 line team….no depth !

  12. Skinner is now statistically the worst playoff goaltender in the salary cap era. And did you see the look on his face after he was pulled? He has this piss poor demeanor of spiteful defiance. Move on from that clown, Edmonton.

  13. Darnell NURSE AGAIN !!!!!!! Leaving the D zone too soon ! ( 3rd. goal ) AND THEN HAVING TO SKATE TOWARDS YOUR GOAL TO " DEFEND " ? YOUR TEAM MATES HATE YOU !!!!! $ 9.3 for this ? you are NOT going anywhere with this SLUG ! ………. a 5th. line winger at best NEEDS to be in the American League !!!!!! PATHETIC !

  14. Jeff (liver-lips) Jackson did nothing to get a goalie all year while getting has-beens and forcing knob to play them

  15. Imagine if the Oilers had lost their first two goalies instead of the nucks. This wouldnt be a series. Nux the far better team

  16. 0:55 Just watch the past 10 seconds or so leading up to this timestamp. All he wants is the puck. That level of compete is what you want in a goalie. He's like a cat on a laser dot.

    1:06 They HAD to get shots in the third. I know the Canucks needed to as well in order to generate a buffer, but I think the Canucks were just as content to let the Oil rage away in vain..

    2:05 Remember the first Boeser goal (the first real one, not the one that became the Lindholm goal)? WTF was McDavid doing in the corner double teaming Miller when he should have been covering Brockstar? And then that Foegele folly that got Boeser his second goal (I almost feel bad for the fans that tossed their hats when the first goal was EVENTUALLY changed.. That's why I bring cheap hats to the games). Oilers basically lost the game on those two goals right there. The GWG by Lindholm was a weird one. I feel like ONE of the Oilers in front of him could have stepped into him as he got the puck, but the red carpet was rolled out instead.

    Lots of video for them to study after this game. Well, except for Silovs, apparently. According to Draisaitl, they don't need to study Silovs. Weird comment for him to make, but ok. Canucks are most likely doing so with Skinner.

    Hey Oilers fans, Canuck fan here. Your team HAS to win this series. My team very well COULD win it, but your team HAS to. Time is ticking. Feet are going to start getting itchy. The attitude can't be, "Well, we're making steady progress" without the concern that it's not enough for the next year or so. Time to start pushing that pile of chips into the middle and go all in on elite goaltending.

  17. Getting real tired of this NHL “ letting them play” play off BS. Rules are rules. International hockey is way better. Same rules beginning to end.

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