@Vancouver Canucks

Elliotte Friedman on Rick Bowness, Canucks/Oilers and more

Hockey Night in Canada Insider Elliotte Friedman joined the guys and reflected on Rick Bowness’ career, Canucks and Oilers matching up and more


  1. Okay big Ry, you crossed the line today with your “worst team in the playoffs” take. Take a backseat for the rest of the playoffs and maybe you can fix your echoing mic while you’re at it.

  2. Datsun 210 had one of the best engines ever built. That 1600 cc engine it only needed valve seals every 50,000 miles or so. My friend still has one he bought new and yes we had to fix a lot of rust holes but the engine has never been rebuilt and has way over 400,000 miles on it.

  3. Loved Don Taylor on SportsPage especially the "Yulin with the Page" compilation show at Christmas time. I even won SportsPage trivia one night and still have the new unworn Rucanor tennis shoes in my closet to prove it! Congrats to Don, well deserved honour.

  4. I don't know why but it amazes me that the technology we use to conduct stable, live interviews today is worse than the tech used in the 1990s and probably the 1970s.

  5. My first car was a Datsun 1200. Total beater. I loved it haha. Your first car should always be a beater. But I think I’m dating myself here.

  6. Canucks in 5…. Oilers lack of Maturity(again) lack of a Legit Goalie and overall lower Team Hockey I.Q will be the difference makers….Oilers are going to take lots of stupid IQ related penalties and Skinners gong to melt down again and let in Blooper goals every game.3 Clown shows by Skinner then a Shutout from Black-Jack Campbell then its Game over for the Oilers in a close OT game 5..

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