@Florida Panthers

We meet again you bastards.

We meet again you bastards.

by Kino900


  1. teddyjj399

    dream scenario for me let’s fucking goooooo

  2. thehustlerbraveheart

    Let’s feast on these pussies again. Cats in 5

  3. sportsthatguy


    Heat-Celtics might start to have a run for its money if these two keep running into each other.

    We shall see…

  4. Technicalfielding

    Let’s get it boys!!!!! Time to hunt

  5. Bob’s back on the case! Send those chuckle-fucks home! Sincerely, a Knights fan

  6. ESPN/ ABC crew sucking on Swayman’s dick.

    I’m not worried. Boston is sloppy and Florida is NOT going to choke like Toronto. Swayman is beatable and we will bombard him.. Florida is the faster, more physical team and go punch for punch against Boston. I expect us to win 4-1.

  7. KensterFox

    It’s about time we got some real competition in these playoffs. A team that can match what we do, really push us, from the first skater to the eighteenth. An opponent that can deliver an instant classic series with the Panthers that people will talk about for generations.

    Just gotta dust these Boston goobers first.

  8. Democracy__Officer

    Fuck Boston, they looked awful in those last 3 games

  9. padma_Iakshmi

    We’re all rooting for you Spicy Cats

  10. Novel_Durian_1805

    #Die Hard Heat fan here….PLEASE AVENGE US!!!😭

  11. C_IsForCookie

    Can’t wait for Monday! I’ll be there in 332 cheering our guys on. LETS GO CATS!!!

  12. They could hardly even beat the Leafs, hopefully you guys dumpster that shit franchise

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