@National Hockey League

Rogers Arena watch party as the Canucks won.

Rogers Arena watch party as the Canucks won.

by DM_Me_Seals


  1. sandiercy

    I imagine the next game against the Oilers will be a lot of fun.

  2. Longjumping-Cow-4701

    We got a tough series coming up

  3. readitaloud22

    Just curious. How much do tickets cost to get into the watch party?

  4. CaptainNipplesMcRib

    What does it typically cost to attend one of those viewing parties inside the stadium?

  5. QuickCow

    Does it cost money to watch the screen only? NVM, someone answered it

  6. Do they have fun with the what a pro wants commercial or the avalanche fans breaking up?

    Or does the jumbotron just go silent during commercial time out?

  7. jigatt21

    Who needs a outdoor party when you got this!

  8. keystonelocal

    I happen to be in Vancouver (for the first time!) right now and I tried to get tickets to this but it was sold out. I wish I planned it better. I would have def gone.

  9. Worth-Independent-74

    Young me: this looks fun af
    Old me: pulling out this parking lot is gonna be hell

  10. yeetsqua69

    That’s absolutely incredible. I don’t think the Bruins have ever done this. Although, we are owned by the Jacob’s family lol

  11. booghawkins

    I would’ve literally passed out if I had been there, I had to watch the end of the game peeking out from behind a wall.

  12. Did they have player projections on the ice a la Tampa Bay last year?

  13. bwoah07_gp2

    The owners must love this. 

    Extra 💲💲💲

  14. MarcusAurelius6969

    The Canucks want Boston to win. They can all suck a bag of dicks

  15. CanadianGoku33

    That guy who was arguing with Evander Kane about American cities having better atmospheres then Canadian for playoffs needs to watch this.

    Even the away games fucking slap in Canadian buildings. Excluding Toronto.

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