@St. Louis Blues

Diver speaks out after near-deadly encounter with alligator

William Georgitis was diving for fossils in South Carolina’s Cooper River last week when was attacked and dragged 50 feet below the surface of the river by an alligator before escaping.


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  1. Yeah, I won’t allow my crew to fresh water swim, kayak, canoe etc here in the low country. Even our brackish water has gators moving via the inner coastal water ways & a few get caught up in the ocean even.

  2. Moral Hazard is what insurance analysts call this type of risky behavior. Maybe he's doing it for attention and the GoFundMe money. He looks very manly and adventurous with the taxidermy behind him during the interview. Like "crocodile Dundee"

  3. i misread that as driver at first,suddenly trying to think how you can get bit by a gator while driving.

    seriously though…a screwdriver?
    i understand not having that one co2 knife but no knife, no harpoon or anything maybe special for divers defense from dangerous creatures? I'd think there'd be something given how many things in the water can kill you.

  4. Simply Horrifying!!! Can’t imagine getting attacked by an alligator! If they drag you under water you’re pretty much Donzo!!!! This man is incredibly lucky to be alive! That’s why I stay my ass in NJ!!! No FL Or south gators for me! NO thank you!

  5. U know…. I would like to be this guys wife because I would immediately load up on life insurance. Many years ago a woman was snorkeling in a spring and got her head bit off by a gator, sad, but people over estimate themselves.

  6. Im sure the gator wasnt matured and probably less than 9 ft long
    Very lucky bcuz if that was a salt water crocodile matured and about 13 ft long we wouldn't have heard his story

  7. I grew up around them in Southeast Texas. You just don't mess with them or get near their habitat EVER. I'm so glad this man escaped. He was very lucky! 😊

  8. Well, I was considering a small Go Fund Me donation but considering the gentleman says he will continue his impression of human link sausage…well, I can't afford to feed gators.

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