@Colorado Avalanche

I honestly don’t even know where to start with this WPG fan last night

Appears he was going with a KFC / Colonel Sanders vibe, but with a questionably-sculpted mustache? And then eating our players? He did stay until the final whistle but wow, a lot to unpack here.

by moose4030


  1. NudeMessyEater

    “Avs are chickens” and “Jets are gonna fry em like Col. Sanders”. Confusingly though is whomever is with him is dressed as a chicken, so I have to assume this outfit combo has taken a weirdly horny turn

  2. porkchopespresso

    I kinda love it. I don’t know what it means but I can appreciate weirdo fans

  3. Particularlyuseless1

    The moment you have to explain your costume, you have failed

  4. DrewsWoodWeldWorks

    It’s the Dean from Community dressed as Pierce’s dad.

  5. Our players are cooked like chicken? 
    Just spit balling here… I think it’s great, high marks for originality 

  6. tugnutter1

    We’ve had some questionable fan getups in the past. I searched but couldn’t find them but remember the 1996 guys with the face paint and styrofoam cup earrings.

  7. AltruisticEnd9

    He clearly thought they were playing the Nuggets. Honest mistake.

  8. GGAllinsUndies

    I can dig it. I like characters at games. I’m a Mets fan and they have a guy that dresses up that has been getting a lot of positive attention from fans. “The Mets Pimp”.

  9. RobosaurusRex2000

    And at the end of the day, despite Chicken Man’s antics, it was the Jets who were Cooked

  10. Its_A_Samsquatch

    Did you want Hellebuyck original recipe or extra crispy?

  11. arashinoko

    Props for having a theme and committing to the bit.

  12. Level_Watercress1153

    Tbh, I liked the atmosphere Winnipeg has in their barn. Game 1 was absolutely ROCKING in the Peg and the whiteout is pretty cool I can’t lie. Tho it was great to see it so damn quiet and sad at the end of game 5.

  13. Silkies4life

    It’s KFC cause we kept giving them at least a 5-piece every night.

  14. thefoggynorth

    Look at the effort on the boards. The work in front of the net. The clean mean yet funny chirp ready out of those lips. That’s a true hockey fan.

  15. LilHercules

    Oh I hate the Colonel, with his weeee beady eyes.

  16. Canadian hockey fans are a different breed.. they got Raiders fan types at their games lol

  17. It straight up looks like he just took that pasty white-out stuff for paper, and plastered it all over his upper lip lmao. In a very questionable shape at that

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