@Calgary Flames

Desperate times call for desperate measures

Desperate times call for desperate measures

by ChalupaBatman1026


  1. SomeJerkOddball

    Should we loan out our sorcery to another fanbase?

  2. El_Cactus_Loco

    Really proud of us for starting something devilish like this. Good job team!

  3. drblah11

    I don’t expect a Canadian team to win the cup for centuries at this point. We’re all triple cursed fucked

  4. Keva_Rosenberg75

    The faster we can disassociate ourselves from this darkness the better.

    Forces were meddled with that should have been left alone.

  5. Wait, if the whole league eventually gets into does it all balance or do we end up with the best luck as we were the last to do it?

  6. hfxbycgy

    I did not expect the jets to be this easy to score on.

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