@Toronto Maple Leafs

[Johnston] Ryan Reaves: “(The Bruins) gave up a 3-1 lead last year. Sports is a crazy thing. We’ve all seen some crazy comebacks.”

[Johnston] Ryan Reaves: “(The Bruins) gave up a 3-1 lead last year. Sports is a crazy thing. We’ve all seen some crazy comebacks.”

by DevOpsMakesMeDrink


  1. BryanMccabe

    Yeah I wonder if we will see one next year.

  2. Strangle1441

    Time for the boys to prove they aren’t what we all accuse them of being. Losers

    Or, their chance to confirm it tonight

  3. Drew_You_To_91

    That’s it, Ryan reaves game 7 OT winner confirmed (lol)

  4. Spare-Notice-224

    And nothing about this team inspires any confidence that the leafs can do it…

  5. Darwinian_10


  6. Falconflyer75

    we’re gonna need a 5 goals in the 3rd period level comeback for this (and no blowing it in Overtime)

  7. Super_Sandro23

    Games 1-4 were Infinity War, Games 5-7 will be Endgame.

  8. SubstantialCount8156

    Yeah like you can score 69 goals and then…

  9. snoosfest

    To win in 7 you have to lose 3, Leafs got the Bruins right where they want ’em

  10. Steakholder__

    David Kampf natural hat trick coming up – all of them Michigan goals

  11. Adolf_StJohns

    Hes right and leaf fans know it the best because we have been seeing crazy shit since the phaneuf era

  12. HeyMarty10thalready

    He didn’t need to say that, now it’s not gonna happen. Jeez

  13. 85millroad

    Ya the same FLA team that steamrolled us right after clawing their way through Boston

  14. Looseball

    Yes, to a completely better team than the Leafs are in the Panthers, who went on to feed the Leafs their lunch in the second round and then on to the SCF. Who also then this year fed Tampa their lunch and are likely on their way to another SCF.

  15. diecorporations

    yup yup, but look at who we are dealing with here, Leafs have been monumentally underachievers in every area. bruins in 5, just like I said before the series started.

  16. Fluffy_Cheetah7620

    Bruins fans are going to shit if they fuckup tonight.

  17. SomedudecalledDan

    The best they can offer is “lol our opponents might fuck it all up like they did before.” There is no way the Bruins didn’t learn from that, I mean who do we think they are? The Leafs?

  18. Perfect-Armadillo212

    Dear Mr. Reaves,

    You’re comparing one team that wants to get dirty and work hard to a team that rather sit and have high tee time. That’s like comparing apples to raisins.

  19. clapperssailing

    Our forwards are better than their goalies, and there defense is on par with our mess.

    All you have to say, keefe

    Let’s go!

  20. MaleficentLeader457

    Id buy that if we were competitive.
    Having a 50 M dollar Powerplay line that cant score is worrisome.
    We would need a miracle.

  21. waabzheshi

    I hope the players all believe this because not many of us do. I think we know we’re fucked. But I hope the boys genuinely believe it’s possible.

  22. Less talk more results on ice. Tired of the blah blah blah.

  23. Sheep4732

    Ryan Reaves gave up a 0-1 lead twice in one series is pretty crazy for a 6min a night 12th F

  24. tecate_papi

    With him in the lineup, it is not going to happen

  25. TheOneWithThePorn12

    Johnston : Its so Joever.

    Also Johnston :

  26. Toronto_Sports_fan

    the Leafs are not a team that can come back from down 3-1. They are the team that GIVES UP 3-1 leads.

  27. AgentAdja

    I’ll be turning the game on until the first goal. If that first goal belongs to the Bruins, off it goes and I’ll follow the score. If Leafs gain a lead, I might watch again. Rinse and repeat for every game they earn, if they earn it.

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