@New York Rangers

[Walker] Jimmy Vesey on what’s different about this year’s 2-0 series lead:

“I think there’s a different feel in the locker room. We know what we have to do, how we have to play [and we’re] a year older and I’d say a little more organized this year. We’re up 2-0, but it’s still the NHL, it’s going to be a tough series. It’s always hardest to close a team out.”


by lionson76


  1. Undivided_Stingray

    “a little more organized this year”

    All the subtle comments by the players this year really show the dysfunction under GG. He should never coach in this league again (unless it’s the Devils)

  2. jthomas694

    “The Capitals are the worst playoff team in the salary cap era, I mean they’re terrible, there’s not another playoff team who wouldn’t be up 2-0” Vesey if he was being completely honest

  3. Unlikely_Good7733

    Yeah, they are actually being COACHED this year. Imagine that!

  4. I’m still not trying to get cocky after what happened last year, I know different coach and different system and all, but last year still leaves such a bad taste in my mouth…

  5. Last year might have been a blessing in disguise.

  6. Baumer582

    Those old enough to remember 94 also remember 93.

    After riding a high in 92 they shit the bed the following year and had no structure and a coach who couldn’t handle a roster of skill that needed structure. See a pattern?

    Also in 93 Leetch got shitfaced and broke his ankle slipping when getting out of a cab and the season effectively ended in February.

    Then they brought on coach that made them play tough disciplined hockey.

    Let’s pray the pattern holds.

    Personally, I always saw Laviolette as a Joe Torre type hire. Not the sexiest, but definitely the right one. Again, let’s hope that pattern holds too!

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