@Los Angeles Kings

Wishing all Kings fans a blessed day

Wishing all Kings fans a blessed day

by drembledore


  1. AutoModerator

    Playoffs are here! Make sure to [join the /r/LosAngelesKings discord as well]( for live game chat and more!

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  2. MaAreYouOnUppers

    He’s like a way more skilled Burrows.

  3. Ancient_Pop_7036

    Had to triple check that wasn’t Bettman in the zebra outfit.

    But for real, greatest clip ever.

  4. johannesBrost1337

    Get the fuck outta here McJesus 😂😂

  5. ChuckEJesus

    Was dying when this happened live. I just love how nonchalantly kopi and Kempe keep bopping him along.

  6. GoKingsDani87

    Haaaahahaha! I missed this live. Pure gold! 🤣👌🏻

  7. These are the team building moments this team needs.

  8. a_smart_brane



  9. PossibilityInitial10

    He bounced more than the Lufthansa jumbo jet at LAX.

  10. dandy_you

    Kings finally working on their passing

    Great guy to learn from

  11. WoozleWuzzle

    McDavid being bounced around like he’s in a pinball machine

  12. disinaccurate

    I haven’t seen that much passing since a Kings powerplay.

  13. hockeywithglasses

    This was priceless thank you for posting!

  14. mortusaf11

    Thank you from Vegas, beat up the little goblin

  15. Independent-Owl-8659

    Made my morning seeing this! Upstate New Yorker and lifelong Kings fan ready to stay up late…and watch our boys bring it! Let’s go Kings!!

  16. Technical-Match-5202

    Look at his skates… generational !!! We ll balanced even when bounced around!

  17. shutmethefuckup

    Even during breaks in play he’s still skating through your whole team!

  18. New_Championship_912

    I need this energy because God damn did the Lakers fucking make me sad yesterday.

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