@Carolina Hurricanes

I Might be a Redneck… ( red solo cups in the fence)

I Might be a Redneck… ( red solo cups in the fence)

by damnvillain23


  1. DABA_6969

    I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but southerners aren’t allowed to like hockey…

  2. Tclark53

    Well, lucky for you we LIKE Red around these here parts! Go Canes!

  3. SustainHillBilly

    You know you’re old when you think to yourself “nice landscaping”

  4. hurricanesfan66

    This is a great tradition I look forward to. I have my oreos, but this is a great thing too!!!

  5. SimpleAd2106

    You, my friend, are my hero! Go CANES!!!!

  6. damnvillain23

    Anybody has/ gets a spare rally towel ( preferably from a NY fan seat) shoot me a pm to send to my grandson in VA Beach. He & I text thru all the games,& he treated me to my 1 & only playoff game!! Huge Caniac! TIA

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