@National Hockey League

Rest in Peace Bob Cole ❤️

Rest in Peace Bob Cole ❤️

by Canadian_Samurai50


  1. justinreddit1

    Absolute legend. Voice of my childhood and the voice that is sewn into the sport of Hockey for many Canadians.


  2. Chaussauce

    When I think of watching Montreal games in my childhood, I picture his voice commentating. RIP.

  3. GreenEyedBandit

    I live in T.O., never a Leafs fan but man Bob’s voice is SO iconic.

    Rest in peace legend.

  4. cReddddddd

    Very sad. He just sounded like hockey to me. RIP

  5. Typical-Ad-6730

    RIP. When you think of guys like this, it’s mind-blowing how bad the ESPN teams are

  6. Cottagewknds

    Wow that’s sad – he’s a legend

  7. The-dopechaud

    His SLC 2002 calls are etched in my mind forever 😭

  8. First_Tumbleweed_804

    Absolute GOAT. (For my generation. No disrespect to foster. ) He will be missed.

  9. Pleasant-Hemorrhoids

    The voice of hockey to me, along with Gary Thorne. The best ever. His calls during the Flames cup run in 2004 SCF will forever be etched in my mind.

  10. LaurenWR

    Rest in Peace, Mr. Cole. You entertained us well.

  11. fyurious

    Even though I’ve never lived in Canada, his goal calls are forever etched in my memory as much as Gary Thorne and Doc Emrick. RIP Bob 💔🇨🇦

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