@Winnipeg Jets

Judging by his attire, he’s some sort of free-thinking anarchist

“Judging by his attire, he’s some sort of free-thinking anarchist”

by Rleduc129


  1. strix_nebul0sa

    Costanza? Is that you?

    Seems like something that would’ve happened to George.

  2. “It’s fine honey, no one will even notice.”

  3. 13thEldar

    Yeah that Avs fan scratching himself sitting in a sea of white sure looks out of sorts

  4. Erwin-Brodinger





  5. Low-Decision-I-Think

    Seems it’d not take me much work to get the fans to spell out FRAUD for a period, all in salmon.

  6. themang10

    Too many independent thought alarms at that man’s school today!

  7. icewalker42

    For the last time, stop washing my white Jets gear with your Flames stuff!

    (Wife laughs maniacally in the background.)

  8. dudemeister_wpg

    Slight chance he’s just an average douche canoe wearing a golf shirt.

  9. Hollywoodin2001b

    The Jets would do better without the Whiteout. This guy and Homer Simpson could start a new trend.

  10. juanitowpg

    I wonder how many people actually wore Jets insignia’d white during the 1.0 years? I know I didn’t. Just a white sweat top. Looking at this picture, it’s 99.9% merch. Times have changed.

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