@Minnesota Wild

[Russo] Al Shaver, the voice of the North Stars for 26 years and the Gophers for three, passed away after a brief illness Monday on Vancouver Island at the age of 96, his son, Wally, tells me.

[Russo] Al Shaver, the voice of the North Stars for 26 years and the Gophers for three, passed away after a brief illness Monday on Vancouver Island at the age of 96, his son, Wally, tells me.

by DecentLurker96


  1. LegalEaglewithBeagle

    I remember listening to him and Steve Cannon (who was almost never heard outside of the intermissions) doing the games in the 70’s. So sad to hear this and condolences to the entire Shaver family.

  2. improvor

    That man had the best lungs and play-by-play call in the business. I swear he could talk nonstop for a minute before taking in more air. He was truly one of a kind and should be given a tribute by the Stars, Wild and the NHL. What a legend of the game.

    Condolences to his family and friends.

  3. cothomps

    There was something I loved about the simplicity of his radio call. His β€œhe shoots he scores!” is so much different than every announcer doing the β€œhe scooooooooOOOOORES!” thing.

    There was also a great thing about occasionally just letting the crowd noise play. Such a different atmosphere – just the goal sound (awful) but no pumped in goal song or sound effects:

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