@Vegas Golden Knights

Hague Out with Injury; Martinez Draws Back In

Rest of the lineup is unchanged.

by friskyjude


  1. RestlessInVegas

    Gotta be honest, I was not loving that Martinez-Whitecloud pairing in the regular season.

    But Martinez does have the extensive playoff experience, happily blocks shots and has that nice one timer from the dot so I’m just gonna hope for the best.


  2. ModestPituitary

    How is the overall? I feel like a lot of this season I’ve heard people say Martinez has regressed and Hague has been a liability. So what’s the feel on this?

  3. I honestly rather take playoff martinez to Hague any day. We just got stronger.

  4. We could do *way* worse than having Martinez as the 7th D.

  5. callisterart

    It’s nice having Marty, Hutton and Korzack just chilling in the kitchen.

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