@New York Rangers

Ryan Reaves two hits in six seconds – Have your say!

Ryan Reaves throws to hits in quick succession. What do you think about the second one? Have your say!

Tough Call
NHL Highlights
controversial hits


  1. Well, it's good to see someone brought Reaves in and is actually using him. Too bad it's not against the rangers though

  2. you put a lot of these silent vids from tonight's game up what cat cut your tongue your bruins got licked nothing to add lol

  3. Second hit he launched into the guy. Don't know if he elbowed him like other commenters are saying.

  4. I hate reaves but that left elbow/arm never makes contact on the second hit. It just looks that way because of the angle.

  5. Both boarding and elbowing regardless of time between.
    Just like the Leafs coach told the refs to not call penalties after
    Domi got away with slashing before the first puck drop in the first game.

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