@New York Islanders

Roy should take a page out of Paul Maurice’s book

This was a real turning point for Florida last year. I would like to see Roy do this if warranted. No passengers etc.

by bosar9000


  1. LameBicycle

    I agree with the idea of Roy taking a time out and having a come to Jesus meeting with the team. But the absolute last thing we needed on top of last night was a beet red screaming Roy behind the bench for the terminally online arr hockey and Twitter users to meme into oblivion. I have to imagine there are some tough conversations going on behind the scenes, and I think that’s where it should be

  2. JoeBethersonton50504

    Roy has surprised me a bit, I think in a good way.

    As a player, he typically wore his emotions on his sleeve and never hesitated to express when he was upset/annoyed.

    Thus far, he’s really kept his emotions in check publicly. I’m sure he’s different behind the curtain, but when public facing he’s been very measured in his actions/statements.

    I don’t think we’re ever going to see him yelling from behind the bench during a game.

  3. Brilliant-Chapter202

    Yeah, this nice Roy isn’t it.

  4. GrandSupermarket4024

    Would have loved to see that kind of emotion from anyone on that bench last night. Stop with the everyone needs to be treated with kid gloves, safe space, coddling crap, so nobody gets their feelings hurt bullshit.

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