@Colorado Avalanche

Meghan Angley (@megangley) on X

This fan base is fucking sickening. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER go to a player’s personal social media accounts and attack them. Thought we fucking learned after the extremely horrible treatment to Miska. This is definitely one of the biggest reasons behind Girard’s recent mental struggles, as well.

by DeadHead6747


  1. It’s not “this fan base.” One person even says they’re a Jets fan. It’s humans that are shit, not Avs fans.

  2. avsgrind024

    AG has been terrible but this is uncalled for. These people deserve to be called out. Disgusting behavior.

  3. Posting hate directly to Georgie’s own personal social media accounts (I think Instagram in this case?) is completely fucked up and should not be done. What miserable fucking assholes.

  4. mitch-dubz

    This is disgusting, but they’re implying that other fan bases like New York, Toronto, Boston, and other major markets wouldn’t be doing the same

  5. ComradeRage77

    Damn, I hate this. We all love sports, but it’s a fucking game. Don’t base your happiness on GAMES.

  6. Sad_Aside_4283

    What the fuck is wrong with this fanbase?

  7. missiongoalie35

    Because that’ll help out his confidence.

  8. For_Perpetuity

    Not surprised at all. This sub was shitting on him all

  9. Rolley2001

    You can criticize a player’s performance all you want… but to go after them and attack and harass them on their social media accounts- that is crossing a fucking line, and is NOT okay AT ALL

  10. Direct_Tie_9263

    Disgusting. I love this sport, I love winning, but it’s JUST A GAME. He is a human being. Would these people say it to his face? I dare them to go watch practice and then go say it to his face afterwards. Cowards. They don’t have a leg to stand on when they just sit on their couch all day and hide behind a screen.

  11. InevitableAvalanche

    Let’s not pretend many in this sub aren’t better. The ones do it our probably here. That’s what happens when we let that toxic shit exist here. We should have shut it down immediately.

  12. Odd_Philosopher1712

    Damn. I still support the guy. Hes still our goalie like it or not.. and he doesnt deserve this kind of bs.

  13. DevourerJay

    I’m sure he’s very aware that he’s been sucking…
    He doesn’t need random 350lb couch-coach telling him…

  14. MettaLOB

    People are so lame, like commenting negative things on his personal account will not help his confidence. People can criticize all they want on here, but on his account is not cool. At the end of the day, he is an Avs player and we should be trying to lift him up. Nobody understands how much it takes to play at there level, day in and day out. Have to show more respect to OUR players.

  15. babsieofsuburbia

    Reminds me of some ugly comments I saw on Darcy Kuemper’s Instagram photos a couple years back. People were being so vile to him and his family. It makes me ill that people think this is acceptable.

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