@Vegas Golden Knights

The league just tweeted this

The league just tweeted this

by 2min4roughing


  1. SomethingOriginal_01

    No matter how mad people get over it, I’m just loving all of the memes this has spawned.

  2. Toddable72

    Ok let’s be clear about a couple things…

    1. The Vegas management is totally working a loophole with LTI and salary cap to circumvent the cap. They did it last year and they are doing it again.

    2. It’s not their fault the loophole exists and there is no reason other teams can’t take advantage of it. Most fans are mad because their teams don’t do it effectively and Vegas does.

    A Vancouver Canucks fan, you’re welcome

  3. ChurchofFonz

    A whole Lotta new Dallas fans now that Stone pulled this garbage again! Go Stars Go!

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