@National Hockey League




by Hockey-Daily


  1. Skygazer2469

    Typical that the cops had to gang up 2 on 1 vs. the firefighters and lose. They just got mad at the end because they lost, and there weren’t enough minorities for them to go after.

    Go FDNY.

  2. coalsack

    Is this normal for FDNY versus NYPD?

    Around here police versus firefighters are pretty lighthearted affairs

  3. MuskEmeraldMine

    Smart of the FDNY to not have a black goalie that way the NYPD wouldn’t know who to shoot at.

  4. myusernameisdumdum

    Do you know what cops and firefighters have in common? They both wanted to be firefighters when they were kids.

  5. OpenEndedLoop

    The amount of game misconducts is hilarious.

  6. PierreEscargoat

    Are we just gonna ignore that it went for 4-0 to 6-5 out of nowhere?

  7. Fartholomew_Buttons

    “That missed my ball sack by about 2 inches” isn’t something I thought I’d ever hear on TV.

  8. RyeToast92

    Hey cops put that anger towards the assholes on the street instead of beating up the firemen

  9. Isernogwattesnacken

    The two FD’s at 1.34 that went over the pile head first and missed everything are hilarious.

  10. EngineeringSafe8367

    Is this just basically a WWE event with a buncha guys who played high school hockey or maybe JR B?

  11. AffectionateFlower3

    Finally someone gets to beat the NYPD back

  12. KorbanDallas90

    Now the police will take out their anger on the civilians. Stay safe folks.

  13. wrennywren

    That little kid banging on the glass was living his best life

  14. Didn’t this game get cancelled for a couple years because it ended it a bench clearing brawl every time?

  15. JustFryingSomeGarlic

    Always happy the watch the FDNY beat up the NYPD

  16. boipinoi604

    Is it me or does highlight show they’re more skilled than beer Leaguers.

  17. CapriciousnArbitrary

    Most of these guys must be from Staten Island.

  18. Beneficial_Life_3617

    If it’s anything like most leagues in Canada the cop team would be absolute douchebags.

  19. XColdLogicX

    Do you think that the firefighters grow their mustaches like that ironically? Anyways, good on them for beating the class traitors.

  20. Pay_attentionmore

    Im gonna join the fire dept just to fight cops lmao

  21. DCmetrosexual1

    Anyone else find it hilarious that they play this out in Long Island and not in the city where they work?

  22. OrneryParfait9882

    First time I’ve seen a bit of actual athleticism from a group of cawps

  23. FredGetson

    NYPD must be quite the group of testosterone filled douchebags.

  24. john-tockcoasten

    I feel bad for what happened to 40% of the losing teams wives last night.

  25. davesnotonreddit

    Makes sense they play on Long Island vs MSG. Adds a little more character and background to their game

  26. retstug31

    Anyone know why the FDNY had NYFD on their jerseys this year instead of FDNY like years past?

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