@Minnesota Wild

Giving these Stadium Series hats away! Not in MN so I’d have to ship if winner would be willing to pay for shipping. Let me know if you’re interested

Giving these Stadium Series hats away! Not in MN so I’d have to ship if winner would be willing to pay for shipping. Let me know if you’re interested

by BiscuitsBeGood


  1. Skinnysota

    I’d love one if I can cashapp you the shipping fee!

  2. Particular_Gur7378

    I’d take either one and cover shipping

  3. Champ24NN

    Love the one on the right! I had gone to the alumni game and the NHL game that weekend. So much fun!

  4. BiscuitsBeGood

    Update! These have been spoken for!

    Thanks all

  5. FundaMentalHero

    If you’re picking someone, I’m “tossing my hat in”.

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