@Washington Capitals

No love from NHL Networks stars tool. But Gabby said it could be close

No love from NHL Networks stars tool. But Gabby said it could be close

by gs12


  1. thekennytheykilled

    Happy to even be in the playoffs- were not supposed to be here. Caps in 4!

  2. wolandjr

    An honest and fair analysis. But that is why we play the games, right? You never know what will happen!

  3. Onoudidnt

    Caps fans should know better than anyone that being Presidents Trophy winners means jack… this series will go 7 and we will lose in gut-wrenching fashion.

  4. Famous_Secretary_540

    Atleast the caps don’t seem like a give up team. See you guys in the conference finals (Toronto)

  5. 2waterparks1price

    Love it. Playing with house money. If they beat em it will be epic.

  6. SecAdmin-1125

    Lifelong Caps fan since day 1 in 1974. I have no expectations that they win this series other than that the Rangers won the Presidents Trophy which hopefully means they lose in round 1.

  7. Eligius_MS

    Ovi’s smile at the end of the Philly game tells me all I need to know.

  8. DaniCapsFan

    As we Gen Xers like to say, whatever. I hope the Caps blow their predictions right out of the water.

  9. sarahjbs27

    i feel like 7-1 for game 1 kind of harsh 😂 we might lose but hopefully not by that much

  10. rand0m_task

    I can’t wait to take the rags in 7 with a negative goal diff and all our wins happen in OT.

  11. Unless you say regress to the mean on those one goal games, I could see rangers winning 7-1, but it would seem games 2 and 3 are one goal games that the Caps would win. So really it’s 3 games to 2 games, going into game 6 in this scenario.

  12. SnooGadgets4267

    Hoping the Rags hold their twigs a little tight to start. If we can get in front of this and put them behind quickly in the series we should have a chance.

  13. The ‘Strat-o-Matic’ also picked TB in 7 vs FL, also kinda shocking. I think NHL network hitched themselves to some discount AI, and it’s gonna backfire. I don’t see Caps losing 7-1 game 1, for instance.

    Caps are 31-2 in 1 goal games. This will be a closer playoff S then everyone is thinking. Caps in 7. BOOM

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