@Winnipeg Jets

Pospisil hit on Morrissey – Have your say!

Martin Pospisil was given a major penalty for elbowing for this hit on Josh Morrissey. Was it the right call? Have your say!


  1. major penalty was the right call. whether it was intentional or not, it was reckless, and the league has said before that you are fully responsible for your hit.

    this is also not his first incident like this. he was already suspended 3 games literally less than a month ago for a similar dangerous hit.

    i believe he will be suspended for this as well, and this time it’ll be 5 to really send him a message.

  2. I would say a 5 game susy but the season is done in a couple weeks just suspend him for the rest of the season.

  3. 3 out of 5 Troubas. Only thing he was missing was the high speed. Targets head, leaps into contact, elbow, head principle point of contact, avoidable… yeah.. worthy of some time off from that game, and a few more to come.

  4. People whining about rempe when this guy is going around doing shit like this? This guy is almost on Matt Cooke level just with his hits this year alone

  5. Neutral fan here. It looks* like he plants himself and then just before / potentially at the begining of contact launches himself upwards, leaves his feets and extends arms. Maybe a 1 game but not sure if I see a game misconduct here. Bang bang play. I don’t think I see intend to harm/injure

  6. I don't know why Pospisil does this stuff. He's an effective player. You're not helping your team when you're getting suspended for dumb stuff several times a year.

  7. If he just followed through it would be ok but he turned and drove up , what a stupid move,that should be a suspension 2 to 3 games.

  8. Popsicle is turning into a little weasel, must be something in the water in Calgary. First Neil Sheehy, then Tkachuk, now Popsicle.

  9. A very difficult call to make in real time. A perfect example of why there’s a rule preventing referees from increasing the severity of a penalty upon review.
    It appears to be upper arm/shoulder contact, but with someone who is 6’7 or taller is always going to be at risk of incurring a penalty on every check.
    With the dramatic increase in size, weight and speed of players these days, it may be time to ban open ice hitting entirely.

  10. There is no penalty at all. Feet on the ice and elbow at his side as the hit happens. There was no intent. Morrissey put himself in a bad position.

  11. Definitely an illegal hit, he left his feet and led with an elbow. Should definitely get suspended a game or 2.

  12. I wish that they would make it so that when people get suspended and fined that that money would go to the person that they hit plus make them pay for the medical bills of the person. To be honest, I wish they'd get rid of checking in men's hockey. While most hits are okay, too many get severe brain trauma that ends their careers. That isn't fair to them. 99% of armatures play no check hockey and have fun…why not the pros. We all have to get up in the morning and deal with enough of life's challenges. No reason to have to worry about concussions too.

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