@Boston Bruins

This ‘Should’ Terrify The NHL

This ‘Should’ Terrify The NHL

To go and now Ray the question becomes what happens with New York very disappointing they loaded up at the deadline with veterans thinking they had a potential Cup winning team well it was either going to work or it was going to fail spectacularly and a first round exit is option

B that right there is the moment when the New York Rangers got eliminated in seven games by the New Jersey Devils after loading up at the deadline and being considered cup contend ERS losing to their Rivals was a bitter bitter pill to swallow but after completely revamping their coaching staff and

Bringing in some new faces the Rangers find themselves right near the top of the league and seemingly are a problem for the rest of the NHL looking at the standings and the adjustments that this team has made this Rangers team should terrify the NHL but as we saw last year

Everything Changes in the playoffs after a solid win against the top team in the league in the Boston brues the New York Rangers are once again looking like cup contenders although they’re not first in the league the Rangers have the most regulation wins in the entire NHL but will their style play actually

Translate to playoff success or will we see another repeat of last season the Rangers struggled to make adjustments against the Devils last year and their lack of offense when five on five ended up being their downfall out went Galant and iname Peter lavet lavet system has created a ranger Squad that wants to

Push the pace far more frequently and mirror other high-powered offenses in the NHL by having their Dem man join the rush the Rangers are better than most teams in two areas generating offense off the rush and goal tending to build a great team you need great players who

Can properly execute within the right system new head coach Peter lavet has done just that by getting the most out of the Rangers MVP in the the breadman are Tami Panera he’s got 97 points on the season and 41 goals for the first time in his career with Lavette giving

The green light for his Defenders to jump up in the play he has given panan an extra option to create off the rush and in turn it makes everyone around him better here Rangers Defender Braden Schneider Wheels Around the Net to beat the F1 with his feet and he’s got

Centerman mik bad there for low support realizing that the best option here is to just join the rush he makes a great move to beat the F2 and advances the puck to his Winger in lafr knowing that zabin Jad who’s the center is behind the play and that Lavette encourages his D

To jump up he acts as the impromptu Center and chooses to fill the center’s route the jump in the play allows Schneider the opportunity to create offense off the rush with paner he makes a decent pass panan works his magic and it ends up in the back of the net a

Simple shift in Paradigm and a green light to be more aggressive ultimately caters to the best players in ouri paner but panan isn’t the only beneficiary from this either Alexi lafranier was getting allegations of being a bust thrown at him early in his career but being paired with panan has given him

The confidence he needs to be a top tier player playing further down in the lineup last year lafier was often sprinting into the zone as the F1 to retrieve a dumped in Puck however when playing with panan he’s almost always entering the Zone with possession to create offense off the rush when you

Play with panan you trust he can make a strong play through the middle of the ice and that’s exactly what he does to get him the puck this philosophy has opened up many opportunities for lafer to be the trigger man once the Rangers get into the offensive zone they’re the

Best in the league at generating cross slau passes with goendale forcing the goalie to move laterally has become an easier method to score goals rather than trying to beat them straight on the Rangers do that better than anyone else in the NHL with their motion offense with more teams

Moving up high to defined offense in today’s NHL paner PO with the puck at the blue line is a skill that is highly coveted this play here against Washington sees four Rangers near the Blue Line in the offensive zone no one is in a dangerous area just yet but look

At all the movement while paner brings this Puck into the middle both Miller and zabad attack in the opposite direction with the Capitals playing man- on- man the Rangers one extra body up high creates the tiny difference and an extra bit of space a simple chip play

Mixed with a G give and go and the Rangers create a dangerous pass into the slot which ultimately ends up in a goal with weapons like Adam Fox and our Tami panan the Rangers get so many quality looks off the rush and in the offensive zone because the system allows them to

Flex their instincts and lean into their skill set now all that is great but will it translate in the playoffs because space off the rush generally tightens up and teams who struggle five on five typically have a short run as we saw last year that may be a concern for

Rangers f f as this year they’re still middle of the pack when it comes to five on five play but they still rank in the top 10 in terms of goals allowed shots on goal and on the PK their most recent game against Boston is an example of how

This team needs to play if they want to avoid a repeat from last year Mike Kelly had a banger of a breakdown of this on Twitter but the Rangers completely stifled the brunes off the rush in this game this season the Rangers are in the lower third in the league when it comes

To how much offense they give up off the rush it’s a part the trade-off of how great they are on the transition but they jammed up Boston big time on the Blue Line in this game and it helped them come out with the w the brunes had

A 53% success rate when gaining the zone five on five this season but against the Rangers in this game they were operating at 37.9% strong play in the neutral zone and aggressiveness at the Blue Line forced Boston to ice the puck and make turnovers that only fueled the Rangers

Rush attack even more the key for the Rangers in the playoffs will be creating offense on the rush without trading chances of their own in a recent game where they shed out the Hurricanes they did just that as the Rangers go to transition for offense the defender

Jones activates off the rush a tip Puck leads to a turnover and this is where the Rangers can typically find themselves in trouble come playoff time however two strong routes back to the middle of the ice for both rosik and Jones counteract any possible threat knowing when and where to take their

Chances on the offensive side of the puck will be the determining fact factor and how successful they are defending in the playoffs in the actual defensive Zone the Rangers do an incredible job of taking away the same cross lot passes that they do a great job at generating

Despite giving up chances on the rush their aggressive approach in the defensive Zone along the wall makes it incredibly hard for teams to set up and create a cross seam play anytime there’s a bobbling puck or a 50/50 race the Rangers are hyper aggressive to their

Check in order to kill the play the less cross slot passes they give up the easier life gets on their two studs in goal and Jonathan Quick and eigor shesterkin both of these guys have been lights out this year for the Rangers with the Rangers being among the best

Teams in the league at taking away cross ice passes it allows for the play to stay more within the eyes of their goenda is a top five goalie in the NHL and he’s got the ability to bail out a team when there’s a significant breakdown however the surprise has truly

Been Jonathan Quick most people thought that his best days were behind him but he’s done a fantastic job at giving the the Rangers star goal tending when called upon the Rangers certainly have a lot to prove when it comes to the playoffs whether or not their style of

Play can keep up with the other dogs in the East is a question that we’re going to get answered very soon when you look at the standings and all the weapons up and down the lineup this team should terrify the NHL but most people said the

Same thing last year when they loaded up at the deadline for now the Rangers remain one of the deadliest teams in the NHL and they have the systems in place to do some damage when it matters whether or not that turns into reality remains to be seen

#hockey #nhl #newyorkrangers

The New York Rangers defeated the Boston Bruins & we take a deep dive into one of the NHL’s premier teams.


  1. Excellent video as awesome! Running a great hockey channel over there! The NHL needs more like you!

    I still stand by the acquisitions last season for the Rangers. Taresenko and Kane did what they were brought in to do – produce in the playoffs. Check the stats if you disagree. The top guys like Panarin and Mika did not play well and the coaching was brutal with an inability to make adjustments and dictate a more conservative style of play. Additionally, the Devils were a great team and that organization has such an obsession with the Rangers that to them, the series was their Super Bowl! They reached their summit winning that series and collapsed before they faced off against the Canes. I like the Rangers chances this season with an effective team defense carrying them. Too many good teams out there though to truly say anyone is the clear cut favorite.

  2. i really want to believe that then Rangers can win the Cup with this team…but that losing streak and terrible stretch where Igor looked like a whipped dog and giving up 4+ goals in back to back games had me deeply concerned like the UN. seeing him put together a series of classic Igor performances recently had me hopeful. Last year's Ranger side turned out to be soft. They simply did not become a difficult team to play, they gave up the neutral zone, weren't finishing checks especially when dumping the puck into the zone. This year with kids like Cuylle and Rempe throwing their bodies around, TRochek, Laf and Goodroow being a pests of a fashion is a vibe in it of itself. And seeing Panarim low key drop a career best season leads me to my biggest concern. Our first line has not been our best line for the whole season. Kreider and Zibanijad deliver on PP and PK but at 5v5 they've been failing to make an impact. It is a cliche to say "our best players need to be our best players" but I need to see Kreider and Mika start taking games over going into the playoffs. Those two need to be undeniable. When Panarim has the puck on his stick he instantly feels lethal and defenders immediately get nervous. Mika and Kreider need to capture some of that and I hope Roslavic can help with that. I'd love to see Kakko make that jump and seize the RW1 spot like we all imagined he would but he jsut hasn't. Whether that is due to a lack of opportunity or performance I can't really say. I feel like Kakko gets enough good looks and shifts to justify more than just a few appearances at the first line and that he should be slotted in and worked until it works. Seems like it is too late in the season to make that happen but who knows? I think if the Rangers can lean into a heavier brand of hockey and make life miserable for the opposing team and take away the time and space to make a breakout and yes, the rangers should be terrifying.

  3. More teams need to activate defence men in the game. There's so much talent in d-men today, like Hughs, Makar, Dahlin, Seider, Sandin, Forsling, etc.

  4. Tom Wilson killed this franchise… good luck doing anything – maybe next year they wont be so fucking soft

  5. Rangers ain’t beating Panthers or the Canes! And if Swayman or Ullmark get hot in the playoffs, they’re not even beating Boston! Playoffs are a whole different animal and Panarin has never risen to the occasion let alone carry a team on his back in the second season! And yeah I’m a Devils fan 😂 so of course I’m gonna bash the blueshirt bums lol

  6. Great video, love the analysis. Even if I watched every single rangers game for the past 13 years, I can never see the game like this. Last year the team felt like they phoned it in all season, like they were expecting playoffs. They always felt like they had another gear to kick into, but they never got there. We loaded up but adding Kane felt really forced and hurt us in the long run. This year feels a lot different. Lots of great moments and great play in general. Panarin has been playing motivated all year and Laf for once we can actually say he has been playing great without making excuses or cherry picking stats. Even when the team has had some slumps, they learned how to rebound from it. I really like adding Wennberg and Roslovic at the deadline and want to beat all these other teams that added big players. Overall I trust this team a lot more than last years team and believe they can take on anyone in a 7 game series.

  7. The whole western conference is just better than the east. If you make it out of the west, you probably win the cup

  8. While I do think the rangers are a good team. I feel as if they just have always had the bruins number and seemingly can never lose to them. However other strong teams in the past have been able to succeed against them and while it does hurt as a b's fan i believe the rangers could sweep the bruins but may struggle against other top teams in the league in the playoffs

  9. As a Ranger fan, i can say that was a great breakdown. But you forgot the fact that Ranger fans are used to dissapointment 😂

  10. Terrify??? Sadly the NHL is so fixed that the NHL will do what ever they can to Never see another CANADIAN TEAM win the CUP….as long as the lil freak is in charge of the league it is nothing but a huge joje!!!

  11. For April 1st, you should make a video on the Sharks and how great of a team they've been this season. I think it'd be cool to see if it's possible to cherry-pick enough clips of them to make them look like an NHL level team. Let's go Future Stanley Cup champs!

  12. Kane is not what the Rangers needed last year. Give Drury credit for getting exactly what NY needed at the deadline (and signing Quick to a super reasonable extension) without giving up a significant draft pick or prospect. Good for now and later, fantastic job.
    I'm most encouraged they beat Boston with BOTH Lindgren and Trouba out (both first line D-men). That kind of depth is critical late in the playoffs. Brooks Orpik said it years ago, skill and depth are important but luck is huge in winning a Cup.

  13. I’m gonna be honest, I’ve never seen the Rangers as a playoff threat in my lifetime. Sure, they’ve had a couple runs, but they really have nothing to show for it outside of one Finals appearance where they got their stuff rocked. I don’t think this Rangers team is a serious threat, they’re an overrated big market squad like Toronto.

  14. Did you really do a whole vid on the Rangers and not mention Matt Rempe once OMG how could you.

  15. Atypical, pro-Eastern Conference drivel, especially coming from a youngster. NYR had to hire Oiler mastermind, Glen Sather & 7 Oilers to finally win a Cup. This guy wasn’t even alive when that happened in ‘94.
    The real power is in the Western Conference…


  16. And… you didn't even mention that the Rangers' two best defense players are injured! So, their play is only going to get BETTER as they go! If they can play this amazing with injured players, THAT should terrify the NHL!

  17. It would be great to see a New York vs Vancouver rematch from '94, only this time it's Vancouvers turn to beat the 52 year curse.

  18. I was at the rangers and jets game. They r at the top of the league rn and they’re a few teams better than them. I think the panthers could be their kyriptonite this year tho for some reason and this is coming from a rangers fan

  19. Bruins played like shit last night and rangers got two empty netters last night. I don’t see them as cup contenders.

  20. We are really being treated to an amazing season of hockey leauge wide and great content right here

  21. Don't make video's about stupid shit just to make a video. What exactly is it that should 'Terrify" the NHL.Stupid dude .

  22. The east is gonna be a bloodbath and its looking like either the lightning or the flyers right now and both teams terrify me honestly. If the flyers play every game against the rangers like the two they had in philly this year its gonna be a rough time. Also the loghtning are getting hot with nk going nuclear so there are gonna be no easy rounds for sure!

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