@Vancouver Canucks

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Slowly adding to my Canucks collection!

by Pnickerson13


  1. unbannedcoug

    I’ve got one. I’m 0-2 when wearing them at games lmfao

  2. AppealToReason16

    Anyone that hates this jersey isn’t cool.

  3. Nuck_1198

    Such a cool jersey, but stained by our record in them lol.

    Enjoy the jersey tho! It looks really cool!

  4. I think this version might look better than the original.

    May I ask how much and where you got it from?

  5. brock6oeser

    Oh man. This generation’s equivalent of the WCE-era red gradient jersey.

    Love it. Would get one myself if I wasn’t living on the other side of the world rn

  6. xSlothicus

    I live in the UK and have been trying to find this god damned jersey ever since it was released. When I visited Vancouver recently I saw so many people wearing them at the games and I was filled with envy 😂

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