@Boston Bruins

LQR Game 51: Best on…best? :Canucks @ Bruins

LQR Game 51: Best on…best? :Canucks @ Bruins

I don’t know man therapy do I have to dude you asked my help in handling these traumatic moments so if you’re not even going to try what are we doing here why did I even ask for your help you’re the one who causes my trauma yeah I thought

It was weird when you asked well you just had an earth shattering amount of trauma dumped on you last year what did you do about it oh man I probably didn’t handle that the way you’re supposed to wait what did you do after the 2011 finals that was traumatic how did you

Handle that Um aggressively what oh I I aggressively restructured my life okay then do that can’t too much collap Cal damage what collat it’s either that or therapy all right well you want to help me burn Vancouver to the ground this is the best day ever low quality

Fan a high quality Bruins team that is a dub a 40 final against the Vancouver Canucks does that sound familiar to anybody how fun how fun was that against the league leading Vancouver Canucks the biggest surprise of the season to many of us the Vancouver Canucks the Canadian Canadians much like

The other Canadian Canadians what a stupid name the Canucks how dumb I just like insulting that team let’s be honest that game was a weird one but what a great statement I mean you had this lackluster mess against the Flames just a night ago two nights ago Tuesday it’s

Thursday we’ve got it all together just a mess of a game I didn’t think that there was an effort I had this conversation with a few people I didn’t think there was a lack of effort in that game maybe for the first half of it but it just nothing worked everything sucked

Everyone sucked no one felt good about the game and then you come out for this one and you just beat the breakes off of them now could this game have been a lot closer where there are a few things that just went our way and didn’t go their

Way sure absolutely absolutely make your excuses put your ass fine whatever but the results the result and the process was the process and the Bruins were just they were better they deserved that win and they got that win and it was a great game and Vancouver is

Clearly a great team and they had chances that they just could not capitalize on I’m really interested to see how the next game goes but this was a statement game from the Boston Bruins after coming out so flat-footed out of the break against the Flames who you don’t even

Expect to make any noise this year and then they’re going against this team that probably hates them as much as any other franchise I know Vancouver is not our big rival but when you consider fan bases that just absolutely hate the Bruins Vancouver is up there you come

Out against this team who is leading the league in points with this game starts whose fan base just hates you so much and a huge portion of that fan base feels like you cheated them out of a cup and you just beat the breakes off them you just smack them around you want

To if anyone wants to challenge the toughness of this team I’ve been saying it all year this team is not soft they don’t lack toughness and this is a perfect example of the type of game that matters to them and they brought it the physicality was there the ENT higher

Time it’s a great statement win H who is more fun than us honestly no one not to mention this Vancouver team just brought in Elias lindol to bolster its cup odds against a juggernaut of a western conference just a brutal that is going to be that side

Of the bracket those are going to be some great series at the end of the year in the playoffs oh my gosh it’s gonna be awesome those teams are gonna kill each other respectfully it’s gonna be great but they bring in this player that the Bruins wanted and reportedly the

Bruins were in on and yet you have to take a back seat to that because Vancouver got them they had the better package they have a different kind of pressure because the teams around them are so good in the west they had to do this Elias lindol went minus four to

He was on the ice for every single goal against this was a statement game it was just a statement Vancouver is number one in the league standings they have the best offense I believe in the league most goals scored per game they have the second fewest goals allowed per game

They have a seventh ranked power play across the league and the worst part of them is their penalty kill which is ranked 16 which certainly isn’t a death sentence we’ve all been over their PDO numbers the Lux statistic that combines your team save percentage and team shooting percentage and they’re at an

Unheard of 105 or at least pretty much unheard of to finish the season like that the Bruins are second in that regard if you want to talk about how lucky the Canucks are Bruins have a 105 PDO sorry Canucks have a 105 P Bruins have a 103 which is a massive Chasm it

Doesn’t sound like it it’s a huge difference but either either way the Bruins are second in the luck stat let’s just treat Vancouver like they’re at this level of play and judging by what I saw tonight for a few different reasons Vancouver is a really good

Team I just want to keep rambling about how good they are and how we beat them that’s I want to keep complimenting Vancouver and then pointing out we beat them that’s what I want to do that’s not what we’re going to do the whole video [ __ ] him anyway let’s move on

Demco let’s compliment him real quick that Demco who personally sank my fantasy season last year and I refused to draft three rounds in a row this year kind of made a mistake on that clearly is 90 and0 in his last nine starts hasn’t lost a game of nine straight

Starts he lost this one he did he did I’m so happy I’m so happy the Bruins let’s talk about something sad real quick uh I of regret saying that thing about Patra and the potential surgery because Patra did did have surgery he is out for five months he had a shoulder

Procedure he’s young he should bounce back so we’re fine but his season is is basically done it’s done I mean not even really basically his season’s done huge bummer but that is what it is the lineup tonight is martian Coy de Brusque jvr zaka Pasto Loco geeki Frederick

Boaen and then the back end is Grizz makoy lindom Carlo forbort W spoon with omark getting his first start since the break that’s probably the lineup going forward we’re still going to switch guys in and out but if you were to start a playoff series in a week like that’s

Probably where where you’re leaning there’s guys that will move around mid game when you’re finding things that aren’t working because So Much Chemistry has been built up between these players with all the line switching that’s been going on uh but I think that’s we’re starting to see some of these lines

Solidify a little bit and water spoon if there is a a game one coming up obviously we’re ways away from that but wat spoon better be on the roster I can’t um between forart and shaton Kirk whoever you want to replace with them the upgrade is massive it’s massive is

Water spoon some top four defenseman no but he’s so much better than our other third pairing guys it’s kind of nuts it’s kind of nuts let’s talk about this game shall we pck drops and we start this one exactly how you want to start this 11 17 second scene and we’re going

On the penalty kill penalty kill has been abysmal lately it’s been so bad we talked last video or last game review video about how it ranks 20th in the league since the break no sorry since the Christmas break bad so against a top te or the top team of the league let’s

Take a penalty right away loo for holding we’re going to the Penalty kill and 15 seconds into the penalty kill the puck is cleared into the Vancouver end and I don’t know if they really misplayed this or not I’m not sure really how this is supposed to go but

Demco gets the puck behind his net tries to clear it around the boards coil gets there first on the right wall smacks it down Chucks it to the front of the net where Martian just parked his ass it the pass beats two different players just

Gets by both of them seems like a lazy back check Honestly by Vancouver because you’re on the power play you’re taking things a little to cashley puck gets through marshand right in front of Deco save made right leg doesn’t matter it goes right back to marshand he roofs it

We are less than a minute into the game on a penalty kill and we’ve scored short-handed and that puts marshand tied for 9th all time in the National Hockey League for short-handed goals he’s never going to be number one grety scored 70 something which is

Insane but to be top 10 in that category hell yeah hell yeah one Zer short-handed goal we kill the rest of it which is equally as important or almost as important and then 437 in marshand and Miller are going to go for roughing we’re going to go 44 nothing really

Happens from it 1013 left lindol takes a big open Ice hit from Miller Miller was frustrated this whole game that’s clearly interference now there’s an argument for they kind of ran into each other lindome turned to get back into the play and just it happens it’s interference

They’re we’re going on the power play and sometimes it feels impossible that we have a top 10 power play literally not a single scoring chance this whole time and we cleared the puck for Vancouver four separate times we just missed passes and sent it out of the zone four times

I know our power play is not bad it just the eye test this is where your eye test first analytics if I had someone watch every single power play we’ve had this season no one in their right mind would be like yeah that’s got to be like a

What top eight power play no way no way either way we don’t do anything with it 515 left pasta goes for tripping we’re going to the Penalty kill pasta with another really sloppy start to this one and just about a minute into the kill coil forces a turnover and he pushes the

Puck forward for Heinen and Heinen is is going to beautifully guard the puck he’s got it on his right hand with the stick he’s got his left hand out and he sees Hughes he’s just draped over him and he gets deep in on Demco Hughes takes that

Last swipe you know the swipes coming and the reason I can say that is as a as a guy who used to play defense you try to pick your spot don’t get crazy and just start sweat wait wait wait this is the moment hit it away make them think

They’re about to be able to take the shot hit it away he waited for that moment held just long enough survived that attempt to knock the puck away put it on his forehand he had Demco come after him a little bit was able to bury it high blocker beautifully and it is

Two- Z with two short-handed goals in the period somebody uh I want to say it was mcre um posted about how the last time the Bruin scored three Shand goals we haven’t done that in a long time we didn’t do that in this game but for

Those of you who like fun trivia in 2010 we had had scored three short-handed goals against the Carolina Hurricanes all three of those goals were scored on the same penalty and it was a minor penalty Blake wheeler scored one of those goals I don’t remember exactly who

Scored the others but just a fun fact for you period’s going to end two Z you feel good but it’s Vancouver you can’t stop playing against this team you can’t do it so we’re going to the second period and 34 seconds in it’s a Faceoff

Win leads to a blast from poock from the top of the slot his stick breaks and goes a billion feet in the air a literal billion meanwhile while everyone’s looking up the puck chips its way into the deep slot we’ll call it I never saw it hit geeky they’re saying it hit geeky

So it hit geeky it then bounces in on Demco who kicks it out with his left leg right into Myers and Myers has to painfully watch as it bounces off his skate as he uselessly swipes at it and it slowly creeps its way into the net

And it’s 30-0 less than a minute into the second period not how Vancouver wanted to start it that’s all right for them right it’s only a three-goal lead ton of hockey left 15 seconds later Puck is broken out of our Zone to jvr in the neutral zone and he’s going down the

Right wall and he realizes that honic and Hughes just completely committed to him and only him so he just chips the puck towards the middle of the ice where zaka goes thanks I’ll take that and goes right in all alone on Demco beats him low blocker it’s 4-0 and there’s your

Final score right Martian’s short-handed goal 30 seconds into the game was your game-winning goal by the way excellent excellent excellent but we’re going to move on 239 in Loo’s going to go for tripping it’s a penalty kill another great kill 919 left of the period makoy

And Garland go for roughing it’s 4v4 for 2 minutes nothing really happens there 703 left of that period Canuck set up whip a hard shot on olark the save is made the puck pops up hoglander comes through andof right into the net the problem is the puck was above his head when he

Hit it like I love that he celebrated after and I would have too I don’t even judge it but the ref immediately was like no absolutely not that is not a goal what are you what are you thinking here either way it gets waved off immediately we’re going to move on it’s

40 going into the third period the third period the the Bruins didn’t go into a shell but they certainly they didn’t have that same level of tenacity they played the fourth line a bunch though who Steen was trying to manhandle everyone he wasn’t like effective but he

Was pissing a bunch of guys guys off so you’ll take that let the the bottom six play a bunch of minutes this game’s virtually over as long as they don’t score in the first like six minutes of the period which they didn’t yeah let the let the lower lineups just keep

Crushing bodies let them do it we are going to have a couple um Power plays during this period we don’t do anything with him Omar doesn’t get a chance to score another goal against Vancouver which is a huge bummer he does get his first shut out of the Season though

Seventh of his career and you take those you take those dub Game notes Brad marshand is a miracle player for the Boston Bruins he’s a captain of the Boston Bruins he just went from I mean seriously when he was just a prospect we had no idea what we have

With this guy just awesome to see to be top 10 League wide in the history of the league in short-handed goals it’s really cool that’s just really cool and I don’t think it should be lost to us how awesome it is to have been able to watch this guy through his

Career um other game notes there is a dangerous thing here Vancouver took the center of the ice in our off defensive zone so in the offensive zone for them over and over and over again they found ways to sneak guys into the slot where we just didn’t

See them where you think you’d always see them but the way they move the puck and the way they kind of push you around in the offensive zone they created so much space and had they not missed the net a dozen times from 12 feet in front

Ofar directly staring at him this would have been a very different game I do not want anyone to watch that game and go Vancouver we got him no worries that game could have been a lot scarier they open up space tremendously well I was surprised because I’ve always kind of

Envisioned Vancouver as a quick team as this this quick striking team their transition offense wasn’t very impressive and they certainly didn’t score a lot or they didn’t score at all on the rushes um but they really didn’t have a ton of chances on the rushes outside of an early early break which

Was what Lao was defending uh 15 seconds into this one they did not have a lot of odd man rushes our back check was brilliant we always got there in time and they certainly didn’t have any like real Breakaway chances which is is rare for us we usually don’t defend on the

Rush super well so that surprised me but they are a scary team when they set up so the next game will be really interesting to see how they adjust last game note keep water spoon in the damn lineup obviously obviously obvious but guys that does it for me like comment subscribe nailed it

I hope you’re having a great night God knows I am and go be go be once again guys thank you so much for watching but it is time to give a shout out to our high quality inspectors we’ve got our Top Line tier inspectors we got Brock

Nope Han slowmo coach D the atomic lizard Bradley Johnson Aaron Adams J Aaron Darren Woodbury Brett Arie pinsen and Nick Zulo thank you guys so much for your support it is greatly appreciated and of course massive props to these absolute stallions the allstar tier inspectors we have Jason Aussie breu and

Connelly that’s just one name bruan smash aaion H E coyote Jacob Pratt tupton deashi Jonathan Harvey de Kingery the only noes a tasty snack dutes 42 and Jeremy you guys are absolute studs I can’t thank you enough and go bees

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  1. Brad Marchand…3 seconds from NHL history. If he had scored 3 seconds earlier. He would have beat Gretzky’s 19:30 shorty. Or, 00:30, depending on how you look at it.

    Glad I got to see this one in its entirety…7 more games. Until I have to pack it up, and go to Habs land for a month, at least.

    GO B’s!!!

    Weird seeing how dead the arena was for the WHOLE GAME. Only in the last 3 seconds did the arena come to life. Anyone else notice this? We were in the Garden, but felt like enemy territory.

  2. Not so down on the name as you, but omg they are the team with the worst “brand” in the league, they’ve never had a decent logo EVER!
    And make your mind up what colour you are, is it blue, green, purple? Black and red and yellow, maroon ?!? Ffs 🤷🏻‍♂️

    What’s your identity as a team? An ice rink with a stick? An old Canadian dude? A damn single hockey skate? Or an orca?

    They desperately need a proper rebrand and identity.

  3. The 3 short handed goals on a single penalty kill is the nhl record which is crazy since the Most short handed goals in a game is 4 belonging to the Winnipeg jets!

  4. Was hoping to hear noted Brad Marchand hater John "Cheech" Garrett on the Sportsnet call only to find out he retired last year. That dude was obsessed with ripping on Marchand even when Vancouver wasn't playing the Bruins and he never got over 2011. Good riddance.

  5. I feel so bad for Matty P. We're actually dealing with the same thing and I'm getting the same surgery on the 22nd. So I feel for the guy, shoulder injuries suck

  6. One of your best videos!!!! Actually much better than the game. Top 10! Hmmm should you do a compilation of top10?? I would buy the blue ray box set! Go Bs

  7. Great game!! Loved Demkos reaction on all the goals but especially the 2 SHORTYS!!! the 1st Shorty by Marchand…the look on Demkos face after it went in was great!!?? He looked like he just couldn't believe it went in!!? Then the 2nd Shorty by Heinen I think just ripped Demkos heart out!!!?? If it didn't the 2 goals in 10 seconds less than a minute into 2nd period 100% ripped the entire Vancouver teams hearts out!!!? Only downside was that I have Elias Petterson in Fantasy and he was an abysmal -4 on night!? It was his worst game of season!!?? But most important thing is Bruins won and thankfully I also have Pasta in fantasy so that's good!? I should most likely get win this week but u never know but as long as none of my guys have terrible nights rest of week I should probably be ok!? Really I think I have a petty stacked team of good reliable consistent players!? My team consists of Pasta and Elias Petterson, my top 2 guys, and I also have Dylan Larkin,Nico Hischier, Jeff Skinner, Matt Duchene,JT Compher,Boone Jenner, and Valeri Nichuskin (really hope he returns asap!? Guna try to see if I can make a trade tho!?) On D I have Hampus Lindholm, Victor Hedman, Miro Heiskanen, and Mike Matheson and in goal I have Jake Oettinger, Marc-Andre Fleury, and Connor ingram!? Not a bad fantasy team if i do say so!? I'm in 1st in my 12 team league and I'm defending champ from last season so gotta defend my championship and hopefully will win back to back!!?🤞🙏🤞🏒🥅

  8. Bruins are coming to town soon so excited. What a dumb name Climate Pledge Arena. But I will suck it up to see the Boys.

    Said it once. Say it again. Wootherspoon is lock lock lock third pair. Fredric is being under utilized. He is Top 6. Put Geekie on 4th line already. Fredric should center second line.

  9. I still think that they need veteran depth for the bottom six.
    I'd really like to see the Bs trade for Nic Dowd of the Capitals (who will be less expensive than Henrique) to solidify and provide some playoff experience, a little offense and strong 200-foot game.
    Any thoughts?

  10. Wotherspoon has impressed with his defense, decision-making and passing. He's been a great surprise. Almost like a solid trade pick-up. And (IF Grzyelcyk, Forbort, Shattenkirk are healthy) maybe the Bs don't need to pick-up an extra D.
    IMO Wotherspoon has climbed the depth chart to a very solid #5-6 D.

  11. I love the way they played, and it was a great win but on another note, I feel like they need an upgrade to that fourth line. Guys like steen and boqvist are not getting the job done. They are super inconsistent and they don’t put points up. They are not physical either. I like how Lauko has been playing, he hits everything that moves, need another guy like him, maybe Trenin in Nashville

  12. That’s great. Almost 13 years later and we’ll never live down that game 7. 4-0 cup win and they light the city on fire. Love it

  13. I love you but please let this be the last time you say that Vancouver had the better package.

  14. Another piss poor effort today, every other game we don’t show up? Monty needs to go, he has no control over the players whatsoever, htf can this happen

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