@Boston Bruins

LIVE: Boston Bruins VS Philadelphia Flyers Scoreboard/Commentary!

LIVE: Boston Bruins VS Philadelphia Flyers Scoreboard/Commentary!

For Tak Am I Dreaming hello I was joking Patrick Brown’s playing I’m literally Pro yeah he was yesterday I called up that’s your I don’t I’m waai second I’m waai CS I would agree are and welcome into the live stream folks oh welcome to the live stream welcome

Into the live stream folks welcome to the live commentary welcome to the live stream tonight call coming to bruss the goalie scores Frederick scores trust Frederick from the circle and the burins regain the lead it’s 32 po Rock CI Saka scores again what a pass by the checkline check mates makoy he

Shoots he scores Bron C for makoy shooting scores so this is the third freaking time in the past 30 seconds we’ve seen this damn commercial of Dak Prescott talking bling on a damn mattress bro get that off my TV screen h e standing well hello everyone welcome in to the live stream happy

Saturday the the Bruins are taking on the Philadelphia Flyers from the Wells Fargo Center in the City of Brotherly Love oh my goodness we have as always we have some friends in the room Grant’s here Kyle and Sophia are on my bed today and of course I’m here of course of course I’m

Here Prime Rex chance will Cathy hello everybody how’s it going user one minute man glad to see you’re doing better 10 shots uh let’s see stone cutter of the north how’s it going Kristen Liz and Ashley how’s it going chance everybody else watching hello how’s it going Mike

Is not here he’s not behind the TV this time he’s not here he’s not we don’t I mean we we might have to call back up later in case they get we got people get mouthy again but that’s okay how’s it going torn good to see you

Let’s get into your starting lineups for both teams here the Bruins lines are funky because they got a couple people out for the Bruins it’s it’s zaka van reyen poock Cole Marshon Frederick geeki boquist Heinen Kyle’s favorite player ever Patrick Brown Jacob lco yeah it’s very unfortunate Jacob loo and Oscar Steen

Matt grizzli and Charlie makoy hampus lolm and Brandon Carlo Parker wspoon along with Kevin shattenkirk and Lena Sark in goal for the Flyers it’s Sean cier Joel fary and Travis conne Morgan Frost Ollie olly lexel and cam ainson Ryan paling Noah Kates and Tyson Forster Scott lton Nick delore and

Garnet Hathaway there he is Grant I said the name oh boy yes he is on defense Travis sanheim and Jamie Dale Nate seeler and Shawn Walker cam York and Rasmus r with Samuel ersen in goal those are your starting lineups for both teams here on this Saturday

Afternoon forward is not hurt again well he’s kind of banged up actually I’m not even going to lie to you oh hello the game was supposed to happen a half hour ago but they decided to have a Mark wrecky Hall of Fame induction ceremony so they delayed the game from 12:30 until 1:00

So anyway how’s it going Jared good to see you why is the game so early um it’s because it’s Saturday and the game’s in the afternoon so let’s let Grant sit in my spot today damn who’s riding it’s Cooper that’s why it’s Cooper I’m a little rusty I do plan on

Calling some non Bruins games on my channel within the coming weeks though probably I’ll start that after the All-Star break I’ll try to commentate a game a week on my channel so but we’ll see yeah and I’ll be and I will be the color commentator for those games yeah that’ll be exciting

Yeah plus today is the Royal Rumble yes it is it is the Royal Rumble today hooray Punk winning that by the way don’t care let’s go punk or roads don’t care had two basketball games this morning one both great time great timing for the Bruins game to be on that’s a dub

Nice you know it is if anybody is if you would pick anybody to score in for the Bruins today it’s David poock against the Philadelphia Flyers no the reason why is because they’re going to do the national anthem but I I I I want to make

A point the um David poo has scored 24 goals against the Philadelphia Flyers in his career 24 I with four career hattricks against the Flyers so if you put money on poock winning scoring a goal today you are about to win some money H have how’s it going DJ

They’re doing the national anthem right now but I figured I I want to talk no offense America con how’s it going conquered good to see you in chat speaking of grapes how about Jacob loo he likes he eats grapes before every game and he scores goals now so it’s nice

What were your thoughts on the ceremony they did um I thought the ceremony was really nice for Mark wcky I hope the Bruins do like the same thing for the 2010s Bruins you know who Who you calling I was calling a fire oh boy B I said you’re going to come

POS do own Philly Lauren Hart’s singing the National Anthem right now it’s done okay let’s play Jacob and his Jacob and his grapes tradition is so stupidly out of character it’s weird but hey it’s it works Kyle saying hi to dream while he’s laying on my

Bed he’s either laying on his bed or mine when he’s in here usually no next year we hope to get a nice bigger room wow fine by me that means I can sit up my bed more frequently let’s get into your into my keys to the game the first

Want to start the game on time I had the same one from against Ottawa Thursday the Bruins only had three shots on goal in the first period against Ottawa on Thursday even though they won they still need to start the game on Time number two take more shots on the net once

Again the Bruins ran into this issue where they started took took too many took two less shots and your third uh key to the game is no cruise control no need to go into cruise control no need to you know sanine throws it in onar makes a

Stop we’re underway no need to just play hockey play defensively keep the foot keep the foot on the gas Bell the Bruins are going from the left to the right in the road whes Flyers the home oranges going from the right to the left how’s it going Lucas how’s it going

Ronnie how’s it going hey may how are you face off one here by the Flyers sanheim holds in zaka takes it away moving up ahead for James Van reti he s side steps um he Sid steps the Mana gets it in the zone here’s Jamie d

Acquired from the Ducks a few weeks ago for cutter gotier piece of garbage here’s makoy for Pasto played around the net fairby for Shan cier behind the philadel behind the Bruins now trying to center it in front pass broken up by poock Van ream like up ahead for who for the Flyers Sam

Meren who was top five in safe percentage last check really good goalie cam York up ahead Puck played up Frederick dumps in Rasmus veran out there for the Flyers now we’ spent a lot of years with Buffalo playing for the Flyers now no Jake debrusk no Matt ptra

No Derek forbert today for the Bruins all banged up Ryan paling Around the Net wrap around omark makes the Stop and he will hang on so let’s uh go around the room what do you think the final score of this game is going to be Grant we’ll start with

You uh I’ll go 42 Bruins 42 Kyle final score 3-1 Bruins s 52 I’m going to go um I’m going to go 4-1 Bruins here I think the Bruin I think the Flyers are a really good hockey team they’re going to put up a fight I think

The Bruins are going to put up are going to finish at the end hopefully shaton Kirk gets it out to Center no overtime let’s not hope yeah you predicted you predicted 3-2 in overtime last time so that was really good you predicted what five to two so okay dumped into the Zone Philadelphia

Gets it in one Boston what the hell no we like we don’t like lowc scoring games unless they make unless it like it’s a goalie deal shot by Lon saved by by Mark boquist will get it ahead he’ll try to get it to Heinen he couldn’t W spoons there to take it

Away for shaton Kirk hampus lyol will carry it to Center lolm across the line gets poke check there and there’s going to be a penalty here it’s going to be on Philadelphia lolm draws a penalty the Bruins go to the power play for the first time today so lton to the box

For hooking and the banss are going to get the first Power Play of the night of the afternoon of the night it’s not night time so we’ll see if the Brun can Bruins can convert on the power play zaka will take the draw it’s the fourth best power

Play in the NHL against the second best penalty kill in the NHL the Flyers have a really good penalty kill at 85% says games on fubo it isn’t WTF should be on nessen NBC Sports Philadelphia NHL Network for those who want to watch it there here is poock

Across the Philadelphia line he enters the Zone there is Sirens going by to the capital score van re for Pasto played over over makoy holding zaka off his skate and the puck comes out of the Zone poock with it trying to play it over to zaka makoy played The Bouncing Puck and has

To back off here is makoy out to center dropping it for poock who has zaka to his left he crossed the line chips it over to Marshon on the right here is poock behind the net marshan on the right side gets it back to makoy who barely holds

It in here is Marshon right Circle looking zaka in front TR a fine B Rey kick save and but by uren the Flyers put it into their bench jvr Revenge game jvr Revenge game nice if he scores today that’s good for the for everything I’ll

Laugh look at this play oh good save by Sam ERS on Van reik if he’s able to put that home under a minute to go in the Bruins power play second units out there seeing Coyle Frederick and geeky with ly Holm and poock who’s still out there but comes

Back down ly Holm dropping it he beats conne conne finishing his hit here is poock Now who’s on still on the SEC who’s still out there on the power play on to Fe geeky pass broken up by cier here is Travis kkny and he’ll clear it

Down 30 seconds to go Sophia asking the real the real good questions here in chat I just saw that Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts uh Dunkin Donuts Coyle dumps in oh definely Duncan want to spends you can tell we’re totally not new englanders right not from Boston area whatever here is

Lyol for Coyle for geeky trying to center it for Cole pass broken up back to five on five Bruins have one only had one shot in that power play shaton Kirk for the great man Jacob blo it’s broken up Flyers have a two on have a three have a three-on-one Ryan paling

Shotar makes the Stop and half the way is already getting into trouble shaton Kirk and lyol tackled halfway it’s a pig pile behind the Bruins net oh boy everybody’s on top of caret Hathaway right now oh my God shaton Kirk who wasn’t on the Bruins last year Hathaway

Who wasn’t on the Flyers last year yeah Brewing on Brewing crime right exactly halfway falls down and ChatOn Kirk and LOL just went right on top are there a lot of sabes or New York fan team fans from New Hampshire not a ton as you not as much as you

Think there are a lot of um Montreal Canadians fans in New Hampshire because all the people from Quebec came down to work in New Hampshire and the families grew and they became Canadians fans because they’re French Canadian Heritage so every time I were Bruins gear in a

Certain part of town get swore at in French I’m like what what are you saying I have no idea Puck comes in front Patrick Brown knocks it away Brown get brown will get it out that’s his favorite player here we go here is um sanheim for cam ainson

Former Blue Jacket gets it in deep his second year with the Flyers Carlo over to Parker wspoon playing it up ice pass to flected Dale taken down by lco sanheim and brown tied up former flyer he spent some time with the Flyers last season so it’s a Patrick Brown and James

Van re like Revenge game for the for the Bruins here against the Flyers loo takes down uh lixon with the take down leel excuse me H in Brown off the boards trying to get it out he can’t held in at the line cier for kkny Carlo cuts it off and

Grizzli drops his stick he gets it back cier in front pass broken up by jper Bist for Heinen he’ll chip it out of the Zone cier breaks it up with the quick re-entry for Philadelphia far shot saved byar the Flyers are skating way faster than Boston early that’s not what the

Start the Bruns needed the exact thing happened in Ottawa and against Carolina and to be fair against Winnipeg too too here is kkny for Shan coutou in the corner trying to throw it in front saved by Mark Rebound in front geeky gets it away here’s Morgan geeky Bas going for a

Change geeky flips in who wins the Royal Rumble tonight um punk wins it and the men’s the women’s I have no idea maybe Bailey or Becky sealer Puck moved up lyol Marshon quick reentry Marshon looking he falls down sealer Coyle takes trying to take it away taken back there by Travis sanheim

Off Frederick and out forer for Noah Kates he gets it in gets around lolm Kate trying to center it Puck Goes Around the Net instead played up Coyle for Charlie McAvoy linol now marshan to Frederick back to marshan out High his wrist shot goes wide Frederick the rebound sitting on top of

The net and and they bought and they stopped the play because the fans uh because the uh the puck was sitting on top of the net so they had to stop play for that they go to commercial break one of my former classmates was a Sabers fan

I’ve always told them I’m so sorry you have to follow a team like that damn that’s ruthless he liking Elite Sports Teams ain’t for everybody but liking the Sabers must mean a really sad life sometimes you know Chris is out for a week oh no man cannot stay healthy holy crap

DJ you just I just saw your Tweet Bruin on Bru crime definition okay current Boston players and former Boston players engage in an incident such as a hit fight scuffle Etc that’s funny could be worse you could be a a commanders fan in the NFL well at least your team’s made the playoffs

In the last 15 years they’re DJ Sabres can’t really say the same coyotes look good this year they could be a sneaky team in the postseason they can make the they can make the Wild Card who knows could easily see them making the postseason they look good

Well look at this guy mark wcky this guy man last night they had the Bruins Flyers alumni game yeah Flyers won the Flyers won unfortunately hey it’s Chris Kelly Ray bour Bob beersy well Chris Kelly is not a 7-y old he’s literally he Lally played like seven years ago there’s Mark recky out

There that it was streamed on the on the Flyers YouTube channel last night I would have if I if I had known it would have happened I would have turned it on but we were out we were at the restaurant when the game happened so oh gota

Gotta all of us went out for went out to dinner last night Tavern in the Square it’s tasty they have a smaller one at South Station okay fair enough that puck just died right in front of Sean cier that shot blocked by W spon it goes out of

Play surprised how the Jets look this year yeah Winnipeg Man scary hockey team they they they hired their new coach and they’ve just been off running ever yeah hey look hey I can say the same thing to the Maple Leaves oh my goodness the closest thing the Flyers have been to a Stanley

Cup since 2010 there it is it’s the Stanley Cup it’s in the building for the first time since 2010 and Patrick Kane and the Blackhawks were parading it around that very ice right there that the Bruins are playing on H are ruthless here’s cam York the act the uh the the handheld the

The drinkable cups apparently they have lead in them so if they break you can be exposed to lead so don’t buy them it’s it’s not good or don’t drop them or anything if you see if it’s chipped paint don’t use it again Puck comes back down to the Philadelphia end ersen almost got

Pressured by posto shot by lolm from the line is stopped by ersen lolm almost uh caught ersen sleeping a h uh sleep at the wheel there Puck was deflected by Van reik in on the Omar he’ll make this he’ll make the stop 2010 final was a great series

It was the Blackhawks and flyers put on a great Series in 2010 back when the Flyers uh were like in their Premier time of of the 21st century and unfortunately they fell short of the Blackhawks and they gave up the goal that nobody knew win in in um overtime

To lose the cupu swept them in 2011 they haven’t honestly been a playoff threat since I just love add fuel fire this is a rivalry for the Bruins face off one here by the Bruins Carlo for hampus lolm Morgan geeki up ah head for Jesper here’s boquist gets right in boquist a shot

Saved by ersen on bis’s chance that’s a powerful move by boist did you see that Grant here is Heinen Carlo right point that goes through Heinen boquist around there trying to center it for hinen it didn’t get through Nick delorier taking it away for Philadelphia he is one of those

Players I met at McDonald’s at one time geeky for Brandon Carlo for Heinen at the line and it’s going to be an offside against the Bruins here Bruins uh that 2011 series for the Bruins broke the Flyers franchise Grant the Bruins broke the Flyers franchise in

2011 from DJ oh absolutely okay good no because they haven’t been a legit playoff threat since until maybe this year that’s still what a 13e window of them just either making the first round and losing or doing absolutely nothing in the regular season Patrick Brown will take the face off against Morgan

Frost okay if he scores a game if he scores a goal he’s going to lose his mind favorite Bruin Stanley Cup Final um probably well 2011 but non Bruins won um uh 2014 for me fair enough it’s a good one the Rangers um I would say maybe 2022 that Colorado Tampa series

Was great it was a great series great series I I called every game of that series it was a good one great series I really like Vegas Washington too yeah not really I would say penguins predators 2017 was another good one penguin6 yeah here is Jacob loo wrap

Around in front trying to find his man and got broken up there and here is lixel he dumps it in for Philadelphia grizzli 2011 and 2018 for me caps KN as a banger here is makavo to grizzli off Coil In the Zone sobody calling you ad onter okay Frederick trying to

Get it in the zone broken up there by Kates Frederick stands up to Kates and gives him the cold shoulder W spoon over to shaton Kirk Parker W spoon this chair is going to kill me I swear W spoon dumps in the zone here is Maran shaton Kirk at the Line pass

Broken up there by a shot broken up by Forester he’ll move it ahead Forester for Ryan paling centering pass Kates misses the net failing again cross sight for sanheim couldn’t play at sanheim dangles in front saved by omark that pucks free shaton Kirk digs it free from trouble here comes

Marshon he lifts it in the zone ersen knocks it aside that chair is on his last leg okay DJ it it really is I need to get a stable chair El I’m I might have to do that here is um I I might have to invest your Tri stale up ahead for fair

Be across the Bruins line broken up there by Carlo cier pass farab Nate seeler playing it around the net farab against Carlo only 400 shot there by ainson save far going try to go for a Michigan and he couldn’t he couldn’t put it home as Carlo andar broke it up Michigan against

The Bruins I I would be triggered L home up for zaka and poock jumps the he’s a little offside oh wow he tried it though hey I respect I respect the uh the attempt Joel farby look at this he almost got it oh wow omark’s knob of the omark’s knob of

His stick blocked it up may blocked that Michigan Michigan attempt car was standing right in front of yeah so that wouldn’t have happened anyway I’m gonna take a commercial break I’ll be right back in 60 seconds Bruins and flyers heating up next we’re back that is Grant’s colors they were

Looking at chairs for me because I this chair is going to be the death of me I swear I’m I’m I’m this this chair is going to kill me what God like I said during the commercial I’ll get an office desk chair you said you can embroid it you could

Embroid a patch of a Bruins uh logo right in there and that’s a Bruins G that’s a Bruins chair and I don’t have to spend $250 on it I could spend maybe 50 makoy for grizzli he flips in the zone sanheim will move it ahead here is Nick

Delorier playing it over here’s a chance a shot misses the net on a shot by Garnet halfway sanheim shaton Kirk to wers spon playing it around Puck goes past everybody delore will get back it will not be icing since the puck died here come the Flyers here’s sanheim

835 to go in the first period shots are 93 Philadelphia there they go again Bruins failing to take shots on net again here we go this the fourth straight game they’ve done this boquist gets it to geeky geeky across the line and he fans on the shot nice job Geek

Squad nice job well done that’s the Brewing way let’s just fan on wrist shots yep guess Best Buy must have been close today here is Loco tied up on the boards gets it back playing it back to grizzli grizzli with it for Patrick Brown thrown off the puck

By gist linan Morgan Frost Steen gets in in there and takes it away Brown keeps it alive Brown shot saved by ERS rebound wrist the line with it brown knocks wrist line off the puck and knocks him down wow nice hit by Brown that give him credit what here is Morgan Frost for

Licks for lixel frost on a center it brown breaks up the pass Kyle just gave I just gave Patrick Brown some props on a good hit here’s loo with it Loco takes the hit and dumps it in this first period like F this first period’s like

Benad DJ just said this first period is like benad is going to make you sleep God lolm here’s nice feet through the legs to Coyle Coyle Marshon closes shot misses the net that time LOL moves it well maran’s also got three goals in his last two games they get the break know who

ERS oh he looks shorter huh Carlo for Coyle back to caros shots are 94 now with the Patrick Brown R shot lolm here is posto who owns the Flyers confirmed here is posto shot blocked in front van reik Around the Net poster knock he also has 15 assists against

Them oh zaka almost got gave poock a 16th and it’s a save there by ersson makoy gloves it ahead the Bruins can’t touch it Kate’s trying to get whistle I guess not Ryan paling grabs the puck Maka almost stood him up there wow here is grizzli for M did you see

That chance for zaka right there grant that was a great set by grizzli tied up there by Kates Forester paling zaka makoy in there it’s a three on three Puck scrum for the puck Bruins win it away makoy up ahead here is zaka one on two on two as past to his

Right zaka finds p his shot score David poock has his 25th ever against the Philadelphia Flyers well it’s one nothing David poo gets his 25th ever goal against the Philadelphia Flyers what a shot who’s your daddy oh my God who’s your daddy check the birth certificate

Who’s your dad it don’t matter who you got in that Brian Elliott Carter Hart it don’t matter oh my God this guy torches your franchise dude absolute father me and Sam tried to tell y’all he was scoring today no time baby that that is Poo’s 32nd goal of the season and the Bruins

Lead won nothing well that is so David poock we have confirmed the theory that we said earlier David poock is the legitimate father of the Philadelphia Flyers check the birth certificate it’s true pasta is pasta is the Flyer’s daddy score three go against him last year he’s got he’s got four hattricks against

The flyers in his career see another absolute Menace as they go to commercial break well who is who is your daddy well who knows pasta tells Philly what to do he runs the show oh my goodness what a wow he sniped that [ __ ] too that was that that wasn’t even like

A weak little wrist shot he sniped it that’s the best part Grant taking aelf in the background yeah I’m saying it to my f friend Nice DJ goes ah I love when the Flyers suck Jesus DJ so zaka and makoy will get the assists on that so it’s

Pck from zaka and makoy at 1409 and the Bruins are on top if the if Pasto scores against the Flyers of the TD Garden and if any of you are there I really need you guys to start a H’s your daddy chant at the Garden you feel bad feel bad for the

Flyers mascot I don’t feel bad for that for gritty creep gritty bro Elite mascot feel I don’t feel bad for that creepy weird hey he’s the leite Great masc oh they’re showing a replay Garnet halfway caught a foul ball at a Red Sox game over the summer remember that yeah

Yeah I was at my grandmother’s house and I said wait that guy looks familiar I figured it out oh my God it’s G halfway I was like I was like you you just signed the Flyers like two days ago but still cool see you there why I don’t I don’t

Know gritty’s a muppet out gritt is a muppet Outcast that’s wild that’s that’s wild that is nuts big tie up there in the corner Coyle here is marshan now for grizzli a shot misses the net paling gets the puck from ersen rist the line we try to move

Itead off Forester held in by grizzli throw it in on net and a save by ersen H it’s a wild wild comment that gritt’s a muppet a muppet Outcast Ros he supposed to be Big Bird’s best friend anyway I won’t be I won’t be surprised if if uh

Travis does something stupid and I actually wanted to get a penal Travis who conne sanheim what what’ you say Kyle oh Travis Kelce oh go Ravens go Ravens I do not want to see Taylor Swift in the Super Bowl here is yes it is for one night only here is here is Van

Re because whoever whoever wins the NFC title game to I’m cheering for in the Super Bowl poock wraparound saved by ersen and he’ll make the stop Lamar please please Lamar I’m begging do the thing you’re at home I’m begging stop hating no I can’t take it n

NFL shoves her down our throats I can’t take it anymore it got and then it wasn’t funny POS Rock van reik saved by ersen Rebound in front if van reik scores I’ll laugh here is here’s zaka across makavo scores what a pass by zaka that was

Disgusting two nothing you tell me I got to show off both my jerseys I got I get to show both of them off there’s only been a period makoy gets his another another serving of a Big Mac two nothing oh my god well that pass by zaka was

Disgusting wow hey guess who gets a plus one van reik hooray we get to show off B jerseys what period baby let’s go oh God yeah we got his H good so poock and makoy team up two goals in a minute 37 and the Bruins lead two

Nothing I said 51 so no no what did I say I said 4-1 so yeah we’ve teamed up on the same one here’s Steen for Loco up ahead rist aligning it’s it in the zone Brown getting on the for check Brown wins the battle from ristan pu Comes To Oi lexel Brown digs

It free from the scrum with Loco ristan takes it away for Philadelphia moved up up moved up the ice it’s deflected in shaton Kirk for w spoon here is Patrick Brown he lifts in the zone to the Brun going to get a change good shift from good shift from the fourth line there

Shots are even at nine the Bruns have the last six six shots on goal nice feed from lolm to jper boquist boquist and he flips in Walker moving ahead past hin and Helton there are shot by Carlos score penalty coming there’s another one it’s three nothing Brandon Carlo took the shot

Damn I wish I had a car J 3 nothing Boston there was a delayed penalty against the Flyers on the goal so it’s 3 nothing now Brandon Carlo took it I believe Danton Heinen may have tipped that shot 3 nothing wow this is getting off to a really good start

Here I don’t think it’ll be four I think it’ be might more might be much more there comes a time where your goalie might have to be let’s see they they think the the the point Puck was play with a high stick there was a penalty on on uh Shawn

Walker he caught hen with a high stick they’re going to take a look at it to see if it was a high stick I don’t even think really touched it to be honest what do you think Grant I didn’t think you touched it I thought it got

Deflected off F yeah I thought so too let’s see did it hit it went off of a flyer it hit a flyer and then it never hit High I don’t think that puck ever hit Heinen at all I I think that would be Carlos’s goal let’s see did no I don’t think it

Did it didn’t hit his stick it wouldn’t matter if this it didn’t uh let’s see here we got a quick call here let’s listen to the referee see what he says upon there was a good on the ice no s hey the referee’s got the car right

Bruins lead three nothing we’ll see what they give it to whether it’s going to be Carlo or Heinen yeah now tell me who got it you’re right brick who tell me who got that goal was it Carlo was it Heinen three goals in two minutes and 38 seconds

Ha thank you zebras and thank you Toronto for helping us out John Torell is furious he’s he’s have another one of those legendary first after game rants oh we suck today ah see some youd see at a car show that’s wild sanheim dumps in the scoring is officially Heinen’s goal but we’ll see

What they decide to change it or not marshan over to makoy makoy guides in three goals in 2 minutes and 38 seconds to give the Bruins a three- nothing lead in the first period the Bruins scoring bunches apparently it’s not benad dril yeah whoever it it was DJ good job it was a

Reverse jinx it was a it was a reverse Jinx that was good here’s paling grizzli takes it away Marshon trying to flip it up it’s held in by Dale Kates paling in front for York saved byar there TJ says you’re welcome all right good here’s Dale for Ryan paling shot through even at

10 here is Fort Tyson Forster York shot oh deflected hit the sa side of the net C’s backhand is blocked how’s it going citizen good to see you here is uh York how’s it going citizen his name is citizen in chat citizen cono I know speaking of that hold on a

Second I just thought of it yes okay thought I left at the restaurant I thought I left at the restaurant that would have been a Citizens Bank Park yeah I need to check and see have my my here is poock moving it ahead poock trying to feed Van Rey in front and got

Knocked away zaka thought it left it at the I left my card at the restaurant last night here’s van re like against R the Lan that would have been funny also would have been onic here is poock with it knocked down against York van reik trying to center it in

Front save poster knock scores that’s four that’s four poock owns your franchise four nothing Bruins the daddy of the Flyers strikes again it’s 4 nothing oh my God we might see a first period hatrick there’s still a minute 37 left oh my God this is wild about 5 minutes

Maybe oh this is great oh my God they might need to pull uren out of out of their net now they need to get Cal Peterson in there oh my God no this be yes it would yeah Kyle’s like oh but if hard didn’t take his leave it do didn’t matter this

Would still be happening okay it would be three nothing instead of four B four goals in four minutes and 14 seconds holy crap that’s 20 that’s Posto’s 26th career goal against Philadelphia four for four that’s a Wendy’s deal I’m going to get Wendy’s later no I’m kidding no I’m

Not a shot by York save stealer the backand Saved by omark omark’s been good this period too oh my God here is sealer a shot blocked by Steam and blocked it and then it went right back to the fly and steam bunted it out of the

Zone 4 and 414 where have I heard that before Oh my God here is Morgan F Frost back to uh sanim me dump s final minute of of this first period that turned out crap that started crappy and turned out amazing what is going on

Here 30 seconds to go on the pury puck comes in front W spoon gets a it away and he’ll get it out to Center I’m going to turn up the crowd cuz I want to hear the booze at the end of this first period oh boy I want to hear

Thatty franch they even they’re they’re not even there they’re not even bad that’s the thing even bad the BRS are just so much better I want I’m turning up I’m turning up the crowd because I want to hear the booze here yes cry a little more cry a little

More who said nine 10 11 12 13 who knows oh my God yeah oh my God the fans are me out we just go on scoring Rampages every time we play on a Saturday why not yes that was great what a first period poock with two makoy with

One Heinen with one and the Bruins take a 4 nothing lead through the first 20 minutes my God hope they don’t like stop I just want them to keep scoring if if it rains it pours I want them to keep pouring it on here yeah I don’t want

Them to stop oh that was great all right well intermission I got to go take a shower go for it I might as well already Play All I do is win we got this game a lot shut the shut up this game is not over yet I say that

Until all Mark allows three straight and I’m going to be like never mind figured you’d be happy remember they’re playing torella oh it’s wild freaking wild where are you guys going get the vending machine downstairs or something I you can have one of mine

The save yous I’m using the key as a as a rally tow why’ you do that hooray we have we have the rally towels again suing me for stepping front Kyle want this one it’s a 2011 championship towel what he wasn’t watching in 2011 we wer Grant you weren alive in 2011

Like no turn it around I live in 2011 to this day down okay I live in 2011 to this I believe that we will win I believe that we will win I believe win there you go Patrick Brown P Patrick Brown did nothing did did nothing he cleared the

Scho was was in Middle School probably what yeah right Patrick BR you was probably in Middle School 201 oh boy Bruins or LinkedIn knowah Hanahan again Jesus Christ the fourth year in a row you know who’s next for who’s for a defenseman G be linked to the Bruins

Again Oliver Ean Larson Jacob Chan him too couldn’t go wrong with either answer oh God okay we’ll be back let going to go get some Goldfish smack that smes back get Jacob CH and send Brown back to to to to Ottawa oh who said this fire DJ

DJ this disgraceful to societ to society yeah did you you see the realiz that you about goldfish um I don’t know if I did let me see which one am I looking for out of this out of the ones that you sent me last night this one goldfish the F little Crackers

Always what Royal Rumble baby tonight all right I’m gonna mute I’ll be back in a minute we we’re going to take a break we’ll be back with Puck doku don’t go anywhere folks all right just me for right now Grant’s taking a shower Kyle and Sophia will be

Back soon um 4 nothing Bruins through one here at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia it’s going the Bruins way right now let’s play some Puck toku we’ll get some music going here during the intermission like always wow what a first period what a final like six to

Seven minutes that first period goals for two for Pasto makoy got one uh Heinen is credited with one as well on the deflection on the Carlo goal on the Carlos shot oh my God bre Boston Boston just apparently owns Philadelphia and all you know Boston Sports apparently just own

Philadelphia I guess Sixers fly even the Philly sometimes Eagles and Patriots were kind of we’re even but all right Rangers and Maple Leafs Ryan Reeves that’s a good one d a little closer to the the TV and to the computer yeah P has 26 career goals against the

Flyers I know I mentioned that when I called the second goal of his Rangers and Islanders there’s not a ton of players that played for both fin I’m playing some Irish music when the the Boston’s team that’s killing it right now let’s go let’s go like this way then this way then this

Way oh hak yeah Rangers and 250 plus points in their career okay so let’s name a player that was at least decent for the Rangers in their career messia all right he’s good all right Carolina Toronto uh Michael bunting Carolina and the Islanders um you guys in the chat can help me out

Too if you haven’t if you haven’t figured it out yet you guys in the can help me out who who do you think it should be Sebastian AO nice there’s another one that plays for both teams Ray Ferraro I know he play well wait a minute he played for the Whalers does that

Count try it yeah it did Count perfect perfect hurricanes and 250 points in their career give me a player that was good for them that is good that is good for Carolina or was good Patriots plan to promote Demarcus Covington to defensive cordinator just read that Jordan okay least under 500 games Nick

Um it’s Robertson okay Islanders under 500 games Hudson fashing 250 points in under 500 games oh boy NE really okay I’m NE no I I I didn’t think so under under 500 games in their career total and 250 plus points not Sydney Kopi Mar oh Mar yeah smart most common answers Reeves HCK

Messier Freddy Anderson from Carolina Toronto yeah how’s it going Greg John good to see you Carolina and Islanders Nino Rod bremore k m car soken under 500 games and then Matthew n okay hey the Bruins are on here we’ll take care of the Bruins last okay we’ll take we’ll take care of the

Bruins row last Tampa Toronto Nick Paul I don’t think so I don’t think so no he only played for he played for Ottawa and Tampa Tampa and Toronto guys nope not Phil Castle that’ll be for Bruins Toronto we’re doing the we’re doing the Bruins part last we’re doing this last starting

With the bottom the bottom two rows B Goan good one good one Tampa 30 win season I’ll put vki right okay Tampa 500 goals um does stamco have 500 I think he does right yeah yeah 535 yeah stammer okay Toronto heart trophy oh Matthews right there you

Go 30 win season in the heart Trophy winner HK he won the heart yep he did 500 goals in the heart trophy check to see how much time we got left in the intermission got to wrap this up pretty quickly actually Esposito we can try it yep

All right Bruins let’s get to the Bruins part we should take care of this pretty quick right berser Bruins map beliefs trying to think of like the most obscure answer like some like you know I’m gonna go n aari ha Bruins a 3 win season rasal putsa Bruins in 500 goals in their

Career or wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute yes Jerome ginla for obscurity yes the only seven just for fun we put Jerome ainla why because we can and plus he was definitely you know going to say yogger that’ll be another good one right asbo yeah

Watch Boston get let Philly get back in the game right now the Flyers never going to recover from the heart sex SC well there hockey Canada is never going to be able to recover from that I don’t like I’m not gonna speak about it more

But not fun not a not a great situation there Bruns are going to be going from the right to left in the road whites Flyers going from left to right in the home oranges the hocky can Will recover but the involved hey Grant second period is literally about to start right now hey

Involved players are going to be destroyed and rightfully so it’s partially true yeah yeah weal in yeah that’s what all that all I’ll say is I think Hockey Canada and those players will be a should be ashamed of themselves should no room for that in any sport any work environment ridiculous those five

Individuals did what they did and yeah Ju Ju Just a black guy on the sport of hockey itself rul we have a goalie change Cal Peterson is in the game to start the second period for Philadelphia instead of Sam ersen his day is done should be well big tie up and the Flyers

Win the face off we are underway in Period two kkny throws it wide the net Joel farby shot misses wide Cal Peterson former la king spending some time with the with the Lehigh Valley Phantoms in the American Hockey League and now getting some NHL time because of everything going on shot

Tipped wide of the net looks like it’s going to stay that way the rest for for the next while ruins get it ahead here is Coyle trying to find Marshon on a breakaway pass broken up by Dale from the Flyers I’m playing prevent defense you don’t want to you stop the you want

Make sure the bleeding stops Marshon shot gets deflected Coy keeps it alive over Marshon and the Bruins will dump in and get get a change kkny tied up there by poock takes it away nice play to getting into Vans he chips it in deep behind the Philadelphia net shots were even at 14

Right now poock tied up there with paling sanheim moves it along held in by Carlo who pinches and gets it in down low van reik Carlo looking at the right Point played in wide zaka back to lyol lolm shot tipped by POS knock save Rebound in front Van Rey scores

Well against his former team James Van reik it’s 5 nothing new goalie who cares 5 Z oh it just got worse it just got a little bit worse oh this just got even worse for Philadelphia oh boy oh boy this is this is fun Puck comes out of the Zone Kevin shaton

Kirk off of Heinen in the zone 5 nothing in their building which makes this even better the fact that this is in Philadelphia it’s even funnier to me right grant you agree with that it’s better it’s more satisfying it’s because since it’s in their building you know

You can hear a pin drop in this ring yeah when like when it happened at the Garden it was cool cuz we won we scored nine against the Canadians a couple weekends ago I think it was actually no last Saturday last Saturday we scored nine against Montreal and that was cool

And all but the fact we’re doing this here in Philly is good walker shot tip save by El mark on a chance for Walker and Noah Kates bqu for Heinen and he’ll dump in whs is at the door Grant’s getting it makoy with it taking down oh it’s

Brenon hey Brennan you walked in at the perfect time the Bruins are winning 5 nothing currently in the second period the second period just started fly so you can cheer for us you can cheer for us for once yeah I might have to now that Brown lco trying to center it for steeny

Can grizzli over makoy shot knocked down in traffic here comes Ali lexel shot save by omark seems like Saturdays Saturdays are the day that the week when the Bruins score a lot of goals I guess so did you see my comment Sam in the chat yeah no I didn’t

See it no who would you rather what would you rather happen the Bruins lose or a Kira zawa win the r I’d rather have the Akira tozawa win the rumble for obvious reasons are you going to get your car yeah might as well nothing I don’t want to I don’t want to

Leave in the middle of a blowout but since now I have to take a trip to Walgreens no you don’t conne shot misses the net no I just thought that was the plan so I was like all right we’re going to go so I was waiting for you well

Let’s go it’s 5 nothing it’s five nothing go ahead here’s a shot by cier save by Mark we shall be back stream eventually hopefully it’s like eight nothing and Posh has a hatrick by then hooray see you later guys well just me for now um Kyle and Sophia are coming back

Soon I’d hope Ryan paling with Noah katees paling shot misses the net that time yeah debrus is out today with an injury well he just banged up anyway Peterson makes a stop oh some jeers from the crowd after a save made by a Philadelphia

Uh oh oh this is going to get Rowdy real quick this is not a good time if you’re a Flyers fan and I I can’t I I feel actually no I don’t feel bad I was going to say I feel bad for the Flyers fans who pay to watch that game watch this

Game in person I don’t as York throws it in onar he’ll make the stop I was GNA say um I was gonna say that I feel bad no I don’t no I don’t my dad no he don’t thanks Dad appreciate it thanks yeah that’s good I’m glad I’m

Glad we don’t feel bad No Remorse 2010 you screwed us over biggest come biggest failure in the history of the franchise until last season and then biggest biggest collapse in Bruins history you’re up three 0 to the Flyers and you choke and losing seven this is good you reap what you

Seow I don’t know oh it’s just so good posa scored his first two NHL goals of his career against Philly perfect perfect then it fits geeky against Frost what kind of Undertaker promo was that I was not being the Undertaker I was just being I was just being an [ __ ] that’s what I

Was being that’s Justified and my my voice did kind of sound like the Undertaker a little bit I know it’s fitting because today’s the Royal Rumble punks winning here’s geeki up ahead Frost will move it ahead for Jamie Dale ainson playing it around the net pu goes past LEL geeki takes it away

Geeki will flip in the zone shots the Flyers are out shooting the Bruins 20 to 16 which is even more hilarious to me this is happening because the Flyers are have more shots on goal than the Bruins do that’s even better 20 to 16 shots on goal in favor

Of Philadelphia makavo upad off Oscar Steen in the zone I guess he didn’t touch it so so it is an icing you want you want hatrick number five of his career against the Flyers well we’re gonna get I think we’re going to get one the way this is

Going I bet the baby bees could beat the FL oh boy okay all right all right all right I know Providence won big last night I I know I know come on all right right the Flyers are a good team this year they’re just having an off day it

Happens flyers in a little bit of a funk we were in there too the Flyers will bounce back they’ll be fine connect me playing it back rist line and trying to be a little bit rational here wrist line and shot missed the net sanheim in front pass broken up here is connect

N all jokes aside the Flyers are going to bounce back Flyers fans don’t freak out it’s one bad game and you’ll be all right Bruins W Bruins we in a funk too so it’s fine they’ve been in a couple of funks here is KK me to the net what a

Stop omark oh my goodness what a kick save Cony thought that should have been a trip no penalty called against the against the Bruins there regardless if it was a penalty or not that was a phenomenal save by omark what a stop as they go to commercial break I’m going

To take one twoo we’ll be right back in 60 seconds Bruins out of their lead it’s 5 nothing coming up next right after this my M my mic was off sorry hello I’m back my mic was off again the Columbus heat nasher’s roller hockey team could beat

The Flyers that’s funny the kids from the Mighty Ducks movie could be the okay all right okay that’s enough of the Flyers hate all right I love it they’ll be they they’re let’s be let’s be rational for a second they’re goingon to bounce back soon just not now here’s no not in this

Game not what I meant this game’s a this game’s going to be getting out of hand the oh Grant you missed it 30 seconds after you left Cal Peterson made the save and the crowd Jered at him they I said some I said some sarcastic cheers

From the crowd after their save it was an easy save how’s it going Duke how’s it going Duke of Rod toown how’s it going hey Sam and all people behind him included how’s everybody doing we’re doing good how are you just somebody in chat that popped into my chat uh Duke

Duke of Road of Rod toown how’s it going Duke how’s it going Brian good to see you hey Brian moved up ahead paling that puck landed to his right gets the puck against makoy you also missed a phenomenal save by Omar Grant can could

It was a good pad save on concy in front of the net Noah katees a shot and it goes into and we have a penalty here I believe it’s going to go against Boston makoy goes to the box coming Duke for short all right Duke thank you

Buddy makoy goes to the box I want to see what he did here did he uh hook yep that’s a clear penalty clear as day there is an interference penalty it’s makoy is there goldfish is there goldfish in the room now yes the snack

Kyle has some in the back I used to have one the Flyers have the fourth worst pet power play in the NHL the Bruins have the ninth best power play in the penalty kill in the NHL it was a third and the Bron decid to give up Power Play Goals a

Lot comes in on nark will make the stop what is it Berry doll Patrick Brown will take the draw against Shan cier C is kicked out of the draw they’re going to do it again they’re going to have uh Joel farby come in and take the draw nope never mind they’re GNA have

Scott Lon coming and take it here against Patrick Brown face off one here by Philadelphia held in at the line connecting taken taken down by Carlo big put tie up for the puck Patrick Brown clears The Zone good job by Brown on the penalty kill getting that puck out of the

Zone here is Cam York dro it for Joel farby here is here is conni across the line Carlo can’t get it out C holds in kkny Back to the line cam York over to Joel farby who tried at Michigan in the first period and could couldn’t put it

Home and D Heinen almost took Joel Ferry’s head off with that dump out H and yeah Jamie Dell Tyson Forster and the crowd is booing again because the Flyers can’t score on the power play remember Philadelphia you have the fourth worst power play in the National Hockey League

No wonder you can’t score sanheim for for frost ainson for Dale sanheim front tipped by Frost and to go through him son now Forster tridale to the net blocked and it goes out of play I’m turning up the crowd just a little bit because I want to hear the

Crowd boo every single time it’s funny feel like we’re watchinga game from last I’m a heal I want too I want to hear booze I’m a heel turn I’m a he this massive heel turn the Flyers are getting obliterated 20 seconds to go on the power play face off one by Philadelphia

Dale for Morgan Frost in front yeah oh that hit Carl up in the face oh boy oh boy that oh boy Morgan Frost closes Mark makes the save Carl’s got to get off immediately I think he’s cut he got he took a puck right to the face

Yep he’s caught right here right here right above right right next to his right on his mustache where his mustache would be it’s right there yeah a little higher let’s see here oh I’m really liking Alex hope let’s see oh [ __ ] no that hurts man hopefully Carlo’s

Okay that is not not good for your nose no it’s not good for your face at all here is frost a shot glove save omark as the Bruins kill the rest of the penalty and the crowd is booing even louder and louder in Philadelphia the Flyers fans are getting a little un

Restless here a little Restless what I said uh I was saying um I actually feel bad for Flyers fans who paid money to see this and I said no I don’t who am I kidding no I don’t Flyers we don’t we don’t like them losing a few chicklets no it was

Above his mouth it was like right here runs get makoy out of the box here is geeki moving ahead here is Heinen Who is credited with a goal gei chipping it ahead yeah credited because I don’t know hien shot saved there by uh Cal Peterson

W spoon shot misses w comes out of the Zone because Carlos shot was tipped we think but I’ll check now what if you pick the over on the amount of goals scored you think you won by now if you haven’t you will soon here is makoy playing it over to wpon Yep

They’re still giving it to hinen considering we are on the home of ECW we should expect a hostile crowd fair enough bqu shots block rebound kick save Heinen couldn’t put one home stopped by Peterson lexel for Shawn Walker offel stick paling here is shaton Kirk Bank pass taken over there by Shawn

Walker former la king across the line and he where is that puck going it wasn’t even going anywhere towards the net paling for liell oh my God this is what is this football Hut comes in front zaka takes it away pck still on hattrick watch here is here

Is Van re Ty ruins have it here van re across the line looking around the net trying to try to center it he drops it across and paling breaks up the pass over to poock he flips it out gloved down by Van re over to poast poast hearing some booze from the

Crowd even from him touching the puck that’s funny van re a backhand misses wide makavo The Rebound zaka in front tied up in front of the net paling gets it away from poock and here comes lexel up ahead Joel farab against makoy farab with it plays

It in Around the Net Scott lton takes lolm down delorier back over sanheim fans of the pass Phillies fans boo anything fair enough we know couple yep sure do here is uh brownie dumps in the zone here is Steen and far will move it ahead for Philadelphia shaton Kirk over to

Wspoon Patrick Brown flips it in the zone D Dale against Loco every time I say his name Kyle’s gonna get excited like he’s going to do anything here’s loo with it for w spoon looking to the front tip by Steen it just went wide of

The net Brown trying to chip it over to Steen he can’t get it to him here’s lton gets it out this is going to be a nice thing here against Philadelphia oh I was looking not not a ton of booze I was looking for it I was looking for

It I want to hear the booze right now it’s so funny to me Bruins the Bruins travel well I’ll tell you that right now the Bruins do travel well if only you could be the Bruins play-by-play guy I my dream commentary team for the Bruins is you Patrice

Berson and Andrew rayra that would be dope that’ be sick hey if I if I’m on a dream commentary team for the Bruins then that you know that’s cool that’s cool can I be the pre and post game guys yes you can replace Dan arold yeah D well replace Sophia yovich what she’s

Doing it now I I’ll be I’ll be the assistant what what if it what if it was you me and Bergie on the call like crazy right you be The samon Driver okay that’s good good move over Andrew I’ll be the sideline reporter now right yeah

That’s great me and Bergie in the booth you in the sideline it’ll be great G just okay of what nessen of nessen or the Bruins coil deflects it up and out of play yeah sounds good to me yeah I would love to do that that’d be great no future win

Now they go to commercial break other game going on there’s only one other game happening in the NHL right now capitals lead the Stars One nothing in the first Anthony mantha scoring for the Caps there predators and Oilers at 4:00 Oilers look to get their 16th straight

Win Sophia can be the next David SS Grant David SS of course she get sued up in a game could you be a goalie in a game Toronto goalie in a game could an emergency backup ABS [ __ ] lutely great I love it CU there was one time in a game where um

The Hurricanes were playing the Maple Leafs and her the Hurricanes lost both their goalies the emergency backup go tender was the Toronto Maple Leafs AHL Affiliates Zamboni driver so he’s there had to call him in comes in and puts up puts up a 20 save shut out against the Toronto Maple

Leafs and there’s this YouTuber by the name of Steve dangle and he had the most the most legendary quote in the history of hockey YouTube You Lost to a what is it A 42-year-old Zamboni driver who works for the team great one of the most legendary lines in

The history of YouTube in my opinion it’s so good because he just kept saying it many times predators and Oilers at four o’clock Oilers looking to go for their 16th straight win my God grant what are your thoughts on the Oilers here I mean they are on a rooll

They just rolling past everybody like I’m I’m to play the Oilers though steuart Skinner there is for a player in this league who has drastically improved over the last month and a half as well as he has yeah insane what the oers are doing updating the capital Stars game

It’s now 1-1 Wyatt Johnson scoring for Dallas it’s tie things up at one there Phil kle uh what oh Phil kessle most go since the 2006 draft okay uh Savers and sharks at 4:00 I guarantee know more than 2,000 people will be in the arena there coyotes and hurricanes at seven

Rangers and Senators at seven Canadians and penguins at Seven Devils and lightning at seven Leafs and jets at 7 Panthers and Islanders at 7:30 golden knights and Red Wings at 8 ducks and Bruins at 9 ducks and wild sorry at 9ine Blackhawks and Flames at 10 Blue Jackets and Canucks at

10 face here is connecting against Saka off ah head here is post knock HCK def Flex out grizzli with it Ling over here is Van reik chips it in the zone Dale move it ahead deflected ainson Dale and Van Rik takes it away in the in the

Flyers end posto playing it around the boards lenol holds it at the point lenol the poster knock wrap around in front he almost tried it and he just got broken up there by ristan zaka trying to keep it alive against paling connecting digs it free here is

Dale ainson gets the over to kkny plays it over AC cross sits for Dale and for ainson down low ainson spinning off against lyol Frost here is Dale puts it around the net Morgan Frost in the right corner a shot by Walker it hit off of Cam ainson

In front it went wide poock will flip it in the zone the Bruins can get a change do you think the Red Wings should go back to the Western Conference No No it should not they should not a shot saved byar that Puck’s free no that would be in the Western

Conference then so no no make Central West and E yeah be too complicated Noah Kates against Matt grizli far be in front geeky takes it away here is geeky up ahead my audio’s chopping I don’t know what to do about that Shan cier gets the puck trying to center it

In front nobody there cam York on it here is far shot save in front rebound oh oh chance in front for lixel and he couldn’t put it home geeki takes it away trying to get it out lixel TI up there by W spoon better now okay good I’m glad geeky flips it

Out we’ll celebrate my birthday when we come back to campus yeah we can do that here’s oh boy forer no no the shut out’s over crap no it’s nothing good bring back Maria I Like it Loud this sucks damns please play please play Maria I Like it Loud if they score again

Much better goal son fine yeah bitching and whining gets you stuff in life I’ve never even heard of him first round pick in 2020 that’ll explain why I never heard of him Tyson Forster I’ll play Maria I Like it Loud next time hey score be there shouldn’t

Be a next time be a next time but just in case the audio is choppy for you guys what is going on stream Live’s been acting up recently no it’s the Wi-Fi here no it’s the audio that should not be affected by uh Wi-Fi it’s only visual

It’s only the it’s the full stream should be affected just the Audio I guess reset the YouTube app I guess I don’t know what to tell you and then I don’t know what to tell you if it does it doesn’t work there here is loo while yeah oh weird round for lolm over

To Oscar Steen Steen shot misses the net that time makoy behind the net for loo goes through him rist the L in pressured by loo Puck comes out to Center H take all Mark out put sing in no no that is the definition of and he putting crying laughing face I think he

Was kidding loton shot misses the net I wouldn’t if we did that andar demanded a trade tomor I honestly don’t think I’d be upet no grizzli up by here’s a chance for coil foot race with York Coyle lifts a stick keeps it alive Frederick coil and Frederick being together on a line

Is good for business and Frederick loses the puck here’s here’s Travis connecting up ice connecting with some speed gave a little the flyers from jump a shot by Dale saved by omark and it goes out of play Steen Alex Ste no Oscar Steen it’s a Bruins Prospect those are my favorite players

Patri I have no yeah why I like the way they what he likes mediocre what what do you like about them about their game help get it out of the Zone oh my God he would have loved um oh my God he would have loved Matt barowski

Back in the claw Julian era dump and Chase hockey you’re getting bullied pal that was a long crooked noise good I’m glad I want to be longer the damn commercial break bro that would a circle if someone hops on stream be like what the [ __ ] is going commcial seen it

Once idiot goes Oscar steam Patrick Brown Hamp is L’s best players proba in their back this is gold that’s what you hear at mlet Arena no that’s what you hear at Maple Leafs games crap tickets are too expensive so only only people who you know can afford them

Can go on the lower level and then freaking sounds like a freaking library in there is it a super duty I she just stuck out her tongue at me what do I do guys I’m getting bullied yeah and I let you you have a yeah and then you’re B

Me DJ goes who my name is Squidward nice Sid h a shot from the line Sav by omark T look at this bum coach torella is one of those legendary coaches ever what tarella is a Stanley Champion yeah but how does he do on January 27 well Jesus Christ ainson wraparound

Poke check by lenol rist the Lin in Ryan paling to the net blocked by lolm he went off his skate lolm knocking into conne K trying to find it trying to find a man Carlo Cuts him off lolm up ahead for Marshon Bruns will try to break it

Out they have numbers if they hurry here’s Coyle across the line Coyle getting around ainson coil Around the Net lolm 240 to go in the second period Bruins have a 5-1 lead sanheim for paling Puck played up the ice here’s connecting the NHL Network’s drunk why is that I’m watching nessen why is

That what was that CRA what did you oh my God here is shaton Kirk for Marsha they definitely have it on the trying to throw it in here is Tyson for here is Tyson Forster thrown off the puck there by W spoon for wow he’s getting getting bur getting getting

Bullied down there by wers spoon this is here is lixel shot save by let me see I can read no it just says the anti per deodorant technical difficulties in the production truck oh don’t that is working fine for me well yeah I’m watch people talking about NHL Network definitely referring to the

Flyers Ki against Morgan Frost makoy for chry room will move it ahead here is Kates back to the line Dale shots blocked Kate’s in front saved by El Mark farby in for frost behind the Bruins net how’s it going Matt good to see you geeki will move it ahead moves it

Ahead cam York gets it in the zone Carlos back out there oh okay good I’m glad oh yeah he was out there last shift grizzli the minute 10 to go in the second see you later Duke gzz up ahead for boquist flips in the zone Cal Peterson that’s no here is um Jamie

Dale dumped it in the zone omark playing it around ainson almost took a shot on goal there he couldn’t get a shot away LOL lifted to stick Carlo up ahead P not going to Foot Race past’s going to beat him pastron beats out sanheim no icing

Ainson gets it out to Center lolm gets it back with 30 seconds turnover here’s cam mackinson a little bit of speed and zaka lifts his stick here is poock zaka in the middle in the neutral zone cross the line James Van reik looking into zaka nice feed trying to

Find po TR it popped up in the air it’s behind the net rist the line and gets it away 10 seconds to go in the period R line and up ahead here is lixel and 40 minutes in the books in Philadelphia 5-1 Bruins through two he has literally done nothing again

I bring that up Patrick Brown has done nothing I don’t know why you like this guy he sucks he should be cut tomorrow send that to him too I don’t care G get blocked on socialia I don’t even follow him on social media he’s actually the one Brewing I

Don’t follow on Instagram just out of Spike for you by the way yeah that’s a lot Gabe Pats I love Gabe PS he’s so we’ll be right back in 60 seconds with the for with hurdle we’ll be right back right after this sopia singing Can You Feel the oh my God we’ll be

Right back we are back from commercial break Bruins lead the Flyers 51 through two Kyle and Grant are making are going to make phone calls or a businessman long coat yeah I walked New York and I was you’re like just like that nice my god let’s play some

Hurdle how’s it going Josh good to see you welcome to chat damn damn advertisements holy crap DJ just said that sofa is never beating the silly goose allegations dang it Sam is a silly goose too Sam is a silly goose I’ll you’re gonna put a art okay that’s

True you’re not the first person to call me a silly goose by the way change the other one okay all right nice nice job guys I say it’s a square okay oh dang it there’s nobody there if you haven’t seen hurdle before it’s quite simple it’s guess the NHL

Player have eight guesses to guess the correct player each guess will tell you how close you are to finding the mystery player if the team cell is yellow it means that he used to play for that team green means you’re right yellow means you’re close and gray means you’re wrong

For agent jersey number there’s an arrow indicating if it’s higher or lower than what you guessed and only active players or possible matches we don’t have what he looks like CU we just got a black Square looks like Mark nice cuz he’s a brick wall Eastern Conference goalie but he’s

In the Metro he’s he’s in the Metropolitan Division he’s older than 30 he is not Swedish his jersey number is lower than 35 Spencer Martin nope Bob Bovi no dang it yeah but we already know the division H for H oh fair enough Metropolitan Division goalie he

Is younger than 35 barely but older than 30 he he is not Swedish Canadian or Russian his jersey number is between 30 and 35 that’s usually a goalies number refresh mine you refresh yours cuz my stream is not choppy here I’ll pull it up for you

Here’s here’s what I see n Wild here’s what I say wild possible matches yeah a little bit uh varl off okay nope it’s five no it’s actually 51 Jared bunny no it’s a bunny I do see a bunny oh my God Tristan jari for the Penguins nope

No oh my God so it’s a Metro goalie that does not play for the Blue Jackets Islanders penguins are capitals so it could be a flyer it could be oh wait a minute no okay they’re trying to think of like it’s not keer is it and Freddy Anderson it’s his backup goalie

Ron damn it why was there no image it’s a glitch there’s one for this one very nice here’s okay I’m gonna guess based off of Bruin I’m going to guess Brandon Carlo dang it all right he’s in the Metropolitan Division not a defenseman is’s older than 27 not American jersey

Number is lower than 25 Jimmy Neutron very nice very funny mantha oh my God my Alter Ego um Metropolitan Division rightwing he is older than 29 he’s Canadian jersey numberers lower than 25 got freaking advertisement rust I’m gonna go Brian rust nope Rick Ashley my God he’s older than 31 he’s

Not he is Canadian jersey number is lower than 17 trying to than here Meyer I don’t know how old he is okay no a Metro right wing M Tyler M’s not that old he plays he plays for the for the lightning anyway and he’s a center it’s not a Hugh it’s not a

Hughes hello GH who opened the door why you pointing at me Jeff Carter nope is this Blake wheeler it’s not just younger than 37 just number jersey number is just lower than 17 Cal Clutterbuck oh my God ruin cow cluster [ __ ] oh he’s an Islander must be Kyle pal it’s

Clutterbuck I guess that sounds a lot like cluster that’s what I said Kyle cluster Lo the first time oh that looks like Ryan Reeves my I’m man well okay Atlantic division not a right wing it’s Bob I thought it was bosski it looked like him too yeah it’s Sergey bosski who are you

Wild oh William Carlson nope Eastern Conference not a center jersey number is lower than 31 he is not Swedish jersey number is lower than 71 Dalene at division he is a Winger or a goalie jersey number is between 26 and 71 not Swedish Jersey num is between he

Is between the ages of 23 and 31 monomo whoa torbjorn whoa damn he gave up eight against the Bruins haha here’s who this guy is TJ ooshi okay well we’ll give it a shot Western Conference younger than third TJ ooshi is 37 did not know that

Yeah numberers higher than 77 is it is it okay Grant win make a phone call I think central he’s in the Pacific Division he’s a center he is just older than 18 jersey number is between 77 and 98 Min yuk off that’s what I thought place of the Ducks okay Leo Leo Carlson

Yeah would I ever dye my hair yes no how about you dye it so serious no y for playoffs no what what if what if one day I do it last an hour yes one thing I’ll never do is that I no I wouldn’t do that I don’t think

Personally I have done that before I know one color yellow one wow that’s crazy new eyeballs third period’s about to start we’re done with hurdle the game the game why am I just why is this draging Mark wcky pah hatti incoming let’s hope so yeah Mark Rec with the Bruins he

Played with a couple of good guys for the Bruins you know on his line you know Brad Marshon Patrice bers Mark recky a legendary line who recky D like 50 no I’m okay Rey is a assistant coach for the Blue Jackets now what well yeah I know each well yeah but

Hockey it’s different than baseball that’s freakish Char played for 25 years at 6′ n that’s crazy Mark wcky man what a great player oh my God that pass by Chuck kobas to the Bon though the last people to be inducted into the Flyers hall Hall of fam work with Paul

Holgren and Rick tett in 2021 third period about to start here from Philadelphia Bruins lead 5-1 zaka will take the draw against paling Bruins wion it third period is underway Bruins going from left to right Flyers going from right to left poost knock to the middle geeky will that’s not geeky

That’s he’ll dump it in the zone wrong wrong line wrong player wrong everything uh yes it was you need the Flyers to score another one yeah no makoy knocked down no nobody in this room predicted more than five Bruins goals though shot by vist line and stopped byar poock will get it

Ahead ran will recover the puck yeah the Bruins did ruin Mark Mark Rey’s Hall Fame ceremony they sure did I’m sure he’s secretly smiling up on the press in in the um in the suite up there where all the Hall of Famers are sure secretly smiling up there Frederick

Getting it over lolm to Marshon Marshon closes through the legs got poke checked and got knocked down by cam York Flyers flip it out Carlo over to lolm Coyle with it dropping it back to Brandon Carlo who took a puck to the face in the second period and came back

Not even like three or four shifts later Forester for lexel cut off there by Carlo Coyle back to Carlo hampus lolm with it playing it up goes off Marshon stick in the zone the Bruins can get a change cam York I want a York Peppermint Patty now that I keep saying his

Name Morgan Frost cross the Bruins line Frost rer just misses wide fairy poke check by geeki here’s Walker to sealer shot hit Frost and put him down penalty on Boston here delayed penalty here against the Bruins Bruins will get a touch and it’s going to be a

Trip the Bruins go to the power play for the second time it’s going to be on geeky do you have any no God no it’s fine thank you though no it’s fine Flyers have a chance to get within three on the power play Yorks are so good especially when you you get them

From the fridge oh yeah and they’re nice and cold yeah my mother’s been doing that for years with like the Reese’s puts them in the freezer here’s Frost across the line ainson with it Dale over to sanheim forer Misses the net Dale with it tipped and it got

Knocked down by lolm wild SP is four block shots today that’s why you can’t have them out of the lineup every every other game because of stuff like that the Bruins have to make a decision over this Allstar break of who if they’re going to keep W SP in this

Lineup because there’s no way you can keep him out farby where you off to oh everybody’s making phone calls Scott Lon I guess I might have to make a phone call next during the stream cam York no cier York a shot misses the net comes in front makoy gets it

Away wers been tied up here is fairby far will move it ahead York back to far wpon tying him up again takes him down 40 seconds to go in the Philadelphia power play wers spoon will try to get it to zaka he can’t cier takes it away back to York and he can’t

Hold it in connec me with it 30 seconds down to 25 to go on the Bruins on the Bruins penalty CA set up to by Carlo and he’ll try to flip it ahead Puck bouncing around here’s Patrick Brown across the Philadelphia line gets it in behind the net here is

Sanheim up ice last Rush on this power play sanheim over in front for paling oh Mark what a stop on Ryan paling in front that was a great save wow probably yeah he is I have him in fantasy so it’s good for me what a stop here olark with a robbery

Again on Ryan paling all right chat let me know who do you think’s going to score next Bruins or flyers and who on that team will score next Kyle is you’re the only one in the room left with me who on that team of course you’re gonna say Patrick Brown be

Realistic Coyle okay that’s much better answer than brown that’s more likely to happen ping against Marshon drop the puck ref Marshon wins the face off and it’s cleared down and the Bruins will kill the rest of the penalty we’re back to five on five the Bruins get geeky back sanheim Dale

Anaheim wers spoon will play it around Puck the flex off of of geeky and Out poock playing it over to No Man’s Land over there on the other side of the ice shaton Kirk gathers the puck for boss in his own Zone wers spoon fans on a pass out and

He recovers with a with a stick paling poock lifts his stick on the backjack rones will have numbers trying to find van re like he can’t and the Flyers take it away halfway for Ryan paling Around the Net here paling looking keeping it alive for Philadelphia rotates it in

Deep Off Shawn Walker has another Bruins penalty here High stick shaton Kirk to the Box Bruins go to the go to the Penalty kill once again Philadelphia goes to the power play for the third time it was a high stick on shaten Kirk Cur against Coyle it’s there another

Chance to get on the to get back within three Bruins win the faceoff Carlo to lolm lyol will clear down the length of the rink uh yes say hi Sophia’s mom just said hi on stream that’s great apparently they’re all uh viewers of of the channel so farab cou played

Over lotton kkny shot misses wide Carlo will clear and it comes back down Peterson for cam York minute 15 to go on the Philadelphia power play there he’s got another one it’s a high stick on Kevin shaton kerk Morgan Frost dumps inar will try to clear and

He does olark the clear Heinen’s got a breakaway here’s Danon Heinen he misses the net for zaka ha ha here’s Dry still up for more Frost Patrick Brown takes it away and clears got to go to the got to take my cat to the vet hopefully win thanks Sam

Have a have a good one my cats love each other have a good one ainson over here’s a chance for lixel andark makes a stop again that’s his 29th save of the game L Holmes got A plus five today geez 26 seconds to go on the power

Play face off one by the Bruins Brandon Carlo a clear Shawn Walker conne dumps in the zone LOL will clear down as is Kyle from fortnite back to five on five the Bruins get shaten Kirk back out of the box Walker across the line Hing Around the Net

Cier back here’s a chance for sealer glove safe byar and the connecting took a whack at lolm and they go to commercial break they’re going to send connecties to the box here I think Bruins go to the power play when they come back from commercial we’re

Going to take one two we’ll be back I’ll be back in a minute all right we are back from commercial break you know what that means it’s time for Bruins power play they’re already back I couldn’t even finish the graphic they’re already back they already dropped the puck here is

Makoy they just what dropped the puck super quick and then they just you know there marshan over to poock cross the line zaka back to makoy Van reik drops it Marsh to the net it misses zaka to Marshon with it Marshon poer knock Marshon again makavo Center Point poer knock in

The high slot fire save the rebound Van Rey couldn’t put it home makoy holds in his shot is blocked and the puck comes out three three three on three guys on that power play unit have scored today poock makoy and Van reik zaka has a couple of assists as well here is len

Holmes second units out for the Bruins Frederick loses it and it’s a two-on-one short-handed here is lton with Walker lton save by El Mark at his 30th save of the game that’s huge no here is shaton Kirk Omar whoa whoa Omar got taken out that’s a delayed penalty

That’s about a get suspend him he’s going to the bench he he’s going to the Box Omar got taken out what was that for so salty you can’t even score on him that you just take him out from behind oh oh this you know what Bruin you got to respond now

Lton for goalie interference that was cheap that is disgusting that doesn’t belong in the NHL lton clear as day ran through omark that is disgusting skate on Skate Collision what was that get that out of the league five on three for 27 seconds coil against paling coil’s kicked out they’ll have

Geeky coming and take it second units out there to start the five on three paling wins the draw and the Flyers clear omark will leave it for lolm 20 seconds to go in the five on three lolm over shaton Kirk can’t play it puck in deep rist the line in will try to

Clear and it goes out of play eight seconds to go on the five on three on the original penalty Freddy on the ice the second end the second penalty oh absolutely you got to go after him for that you got to go after him it was a cheap and dirty play by

Lton who doesn’t really have the who doesn’t really have a uh reputation to be dirty like that omark’s fine he he was completely fine but here is makoy now we’re about to be back to five on four makoy poster knock across marshan fans on it we’re back to five on

Four poster knock saved by Peterson my goodness gracious face off one here by the Flyers held in by lyol with the line Frederick lolm holds in Puck comes to Shawn Walker Flyers will push it off Noah Kate sticking in the zone Mark don’t move you’re not going to get run over this

Time you did last time lolm for shaton Kirk he’ll move it ahead shaton Kirk flips in Cal Peterson playing it around knocked down lyol with the line Kevin shaton Kirk for geeki bomb glove save by Peterson the way I the way I pronounce it because I put an emphasis on the shat

Part if I were to say shat and Kirk what if it was shot in Kirk would that be any better but since it shot and cook but it’s but since it’s shat and Kirk it’s funny okay why is the fourth line out here Bruins are off next week because the All-Star

Break we can have that game on in here ly Holm Heinen for boquist Around the Net Bist trying to center it for Steen he can’t boquist back to the line lolm over shaton Kirk right side holding the puck playing it over to lolm shaton Kirk for

Heinen for Steen 20 seconds to go on the power play Steen tied up there by sanheim boquist with it chips it back to the line lolm over shaton Kirk on the right side played wide of the net ainson will try to clear he does and that’ll do it for the Philadelphia

Penalty we’re back to five on five now they immediately have to go after Lon here immediately have to go after him he’s out of the box Carlo for grizli Trent Frederick’s out now Patrick brown cross the line brown on the corner centering pass in front broken up lixon or lixel closing off the

Puck here’s cier I don’t um yep that’s there’s a reason why for that puck comes in front LEL couldn’t get a shot through Brown turns over the puck there you go there’s a reason why Frederick Carlo he only has two goals in the AHL this year he spent three years

With the Flyers and only scored six goals Patrick Brown that’s not even possible yes it is Forster scores and it’s 52 uh well this is unfortunate it’s now a three goal game with 836 left that’s what they used to have yeah it’s a good song I’ll give him credit

If you get this right again I swear to God you’re a wizard cam York dumps in Van reik trying to move it ahead held in uh oh Philadelphia might have some chance here Frost what a save omark what a save oh my God that was insane he like jumped and W and whacked

It away what a save this katees against makoy zaka fost and frost in there as well zaka pressuring Frost for the puck trying to dig that puck free Bruns this is good for the brues they’re trying to kill some clock here van re will get it up and out van re in

A foot race with fary Van re will Mo it ahead he has Pock in the middle can’t find him he’ll play it around the net Poo’s with it closed off taken down there by rist Lin in Puck played over Carlo holds in at the line poock behind

The net trying to center it poock losing it to rist the line in Frost will move it ahead Brown get ready to learn Chinese oh boy here is marshand dumps it in the zone 10 shots night good one buddy here is Coy there against sanheim here is Travis kekney

Up ahead here’s here is Cam mackinson lolm cutting him off paling loses it to Frederick Frederick will move it up and out 52 Bruin here in the third 710 left will not be icing D Dale with it playing in deep icing is called against Philadelphia hey how’s it going edit

Good to see you Patrick Brown is the playing IQ of Patrick Star Kyle you hear that from DJ Patrick Brown is the playing IQ of Patrick Star is it runs win the draw makavo shot saved by Peterson was tipped by boist on the way to the net they go to commercial

Break they go to commercial break I’m gonna take one to we’ll be right back in 30 to 45 seconds Bruins haven’t played well today yes they have we’ll be right back we’re back from commercial break Bruins lead 5-2 on the Flyers you’re in the third period back from commercial break

Oh my my sounds on on the oh boy my sound’s on what Sam setion geeky against cier as off one by geeki Heinen back makoy tied up there by um lixel lexel makoy takes it away oh forer caught something up high but it’s an accident so they’re not going to call

It do I have a what no why would I have that geeky with hin in geeky trying to center it there’s nobody there I don’t know where he was throwing that puck to yeah I mean yeah I mean next time yeah tomorrow maybe yeah here’s cam

York cross the Bruins line York in front pass broken up by poock and zaka poock still looking for that hatrick six minutes left Bruins lead 52 lolm for poock across the the Philadelphia line poock shot broken up by York York it right back to pck in front for zaka he couldn’t play

It ainson will move it ahead pook denies him zaka nice curling drag keeps it alive zaka looking shot saved by Peterson Rebound in front zaka got his tick chopped out of his hands no call ainson for kkny a shot olark makes a good save grizzli up ahead here is Van

Reik yeah because he’s been playing a lot here’s Frederick closes shot save rebound coil scores and it’s 62 sorry Sophia no goal prediction correct for you 62 coil puts one home I’m not no I know you shouldn’t be right with 515 left the Bruins put some

Have uh put some insurance on their lead 62 and Coyle the kid from wouth gets the goal y well there go byebye bye bye the fans are leaving in Philadelphia byebye do not feel bad no I don’t you paid hundreds of dollars to go watch

This [ __ ] I don’t I don’t feel bad for you at all Garnet haway loses his stick to Loco for more Lin mates actually here is Patrick Brown tied up there with with frost shaton Kirk will move it ahead wco trying to chop it ahead here’s Brown

He’ll move it ahead Brown chip trying to chip it to Steen he can’t here oh sure is here is frost for faraby trying to find froster halfway couldn’t halfway with four and a half left in this one wers Boon over to shaten Kirk four and a half left here is

Geeky shaton Kirk up ahead you’re meaning me in the first period so it’s only fair lexel a shot by Forster he snaps his stick in half Forster for Lon a shot misses wide of olark rist the Ling in front tip saved by Omar again with under four minutes left

Boquist gets it out to Center Forster over to sanheim he dumps inar will take the puck the goalie is not pulled omark what are you doing you left the puck behind for no reason what was that don’t do that don’t give me a heart attack like that oh my

God sanheim dumps in omark he’s gonna pass the puck this time right good job Carlo to hampus lyol Coyle for Frederick marshan shot oh oh that just missed that that had that shot at eyes Marshon hey Grant we back the Bruins got one it’s

6’2 oh did you play Maria I Like it Loud I did yay Marsh who scored the six one uh Coyle oh sick get from WTH yep did you say the line for me I did wait did I call that uh you did score the BR you

Did call the Bruin’s next goal would be coils so good job yeah boy charie he said Patrick Brown I said no be istic and he said Charlie Coyle so big tie for the puck in the corner 245 left sanheim with it here is Travis conne cross the line chipping it in

Deep pass broken up by Loco Flyers hold in farby behind the it trying to center it pass broken up connecting to far new twe just dropped you’re going to love it all right I’ll be checking that out shortly grizzli for Steen Brown up ahead for Loco loo dumps in go to

Sleep Shawn Walker getting it up the ice and out yeah both both of them put me to sleep Peterson for uh cam York not as much as the Patriots put me to sleep fair enough CL Your Kingdom Water spoon for shaton Kirk off of geeki Forster dumps it in the zone it’s gonna

Go out of play with the minute 40 left the Broad Street Bullies the Broad Street sissies Broad Street Bullies got punched in the mouth either asleep Flyers out shot the Bruins today by 10 so far but will get it in the zance yeah really is he’s one of the

Three stars of the game here is lixel trying to find Forster lolm takes it away Bist up ahead for Heinen who has a goal today Heinen dumps in have Scott lton did you see that lton tripped upark geeky here is Jacob loo on a breakway loo he puts it wide trying to

Get his trying to get his third of the season the great man Forester dumps in who has both Philadelphia goals today here is shaton Kirk final minute of Regulation shaton Kirk to W spoon shot saved there by Peterson with 49.8 have to burn the I guess I guess I got to keep

One you already have a but the is going to on the wall we burn no not yet not yet shat to Brown key word yet Puck bouncing around in there Omar knocks it away paling knocked down by wers spoon nice hit 30 seconds to Goot especially With Ur and Peterson

They’re goalie tandem s sanheim can’t get it out here’s steam with 27 here’s Oscar Ste Ste closing knocked off the puck Ste for brown all right now we want Brown 10 seconds to go van reik down to five vanik loses it that’s going to do it

No we are greedy son of a [ __ ] six goal isn’t six goals isn’t enough we won because of Patrick Brown let’s game David posto your first star of the game Patrick Brown is the 33rd star of the game today yeah there wasn’t even 33 players who

Played for the Bruins today so it’s all right yeah no we we we we we might combine the two teams together oh then oh and if that’s the case then he’s 42nd ah 21 21 players aside or no 20 sorry 20 players aside two goalies 18 skaters he plays 40th

I’ll take that yeah dead last yep sure is I just like saying I was ranked when I was running in eth grade for my high school came second to last every race but I was ranked oh God all right well we’re gonna wrap things up here Bruins win 62 have a

Nice week off the Bruins are heading into their bye the Bruins are back at it February 6th against the Flames we may or may not be going to that game so we’ll kind of keep you updated on that I will not be Brennan’s not going to be

But the the other four of us will be fun stream Rumble time yes it is we’re all heading over to this guy’s house for the rumble so well sorry so thank you Mr Mrs flood for hosting they are they are not watching your stream right now but we’ll thank

Them later all right well let’s wrap things up to see a movie with you which movie is it Wonka oh boy Bruins wins 62 if you like this stream make sure to please smash the like button subscribe to the channel make sure you turn on your post notifications to never miss

When to go live or upload here on the channel follow me on social media Instagram Tik Tok and Twitter all down below in the description Bruins win big 62 if you liked it share with your friends share with your family if you didn’t shut up have a good rest of your

Night have a good rest of your day have a nice weekend have a nice off week we’ll be back at it February 6 for Bruins Flames I may or may not be streaming the allstar game so stay tuned for that see you guys then peace out Bruins win big have a good one

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