@Vancouver Canucks

I combined my love of the Canucks with my other hobby, leathercrafting, and made some watchbands to match some of my jerseys

All 100% handmade with full grain leathers

by egorf38


  1. Gratitude89

    Great Job, This hobby has business potential!

    You can tell that you really take pride in your work. Awesome. I hope more people start asking you the time 🙂

  2. That’s awesome, OP! The straps match the jerseys so well

  3. WaitWhileIRollANat1

    Those are awesome 👍🏼… let me know if you ever decide to sell them

  4. ReallyaHumanPerson

    Those look super sharp. Fantastic work.

  5. PaperMoonShine

    These look great. I love watching leathercrafting videos. looks very therapeutic. If I already didn’t have several extremely expensive hobbies, I’d love to start.

  6. PTCruiserApologist

    These are so cool! Love to see people showing their love for the canucks via their art/craft/skills !

  7. And Canucks cease and desist letter coming in 3 – 2 – …kidding, they look great

  8. imprezivone

    These look amazing! They would definitely sell if you make a bunch more! Would love to support!

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